The volume is composed of nine papers on work and sexuality written by Korean writers on Korean situation. The task of delineating the relationship between work and (gendered) sexuality, and redefining work in relation to this patriarchal capitalist society is what feminist theorists must undertake.
As one expression of that undertaking, the editorial board of Theoria: A Journal of Feminist Theories and Practice (issued by The Center for Women's Culture and Feminist Theories) planned to publish an English book on work and sexuality for the occasion of the 9th International interdisciplinary Congress on Women. This book attempts to deal with the question of sex-work, emotional work, "entertaining" work in South Korea as well as that of South Korean women's labor movement.
Part 1 offers a theoretical approach on the relationship of work and sexuality. Part 2 is on sex-work, emotional work, and work named "entertainment". These three all indicates the particular characteristics of women's work. Part 3 focuses on the representaion of women in the mainstream Korean labor movement and the challenge of the women's labor movement in Korea. Part 4 looks at the possibility of the different direction under the capitalistic patriarchy which put women in the position of part time or irregular workers. The two papers raise a question about what can be done. They attempt to change the direction towards the building of different community that can reject the capitalistic patriarchal system and deconstruct the boundary between production and work.
1부 노동과 섹슈얼리티에 대한 이론적 접근
1) 제3세계 여성노동과 섹슈얼리티(태혜숙, 대구가톨릭대 영문과 교수)
2) 여성 주체 형성의 삼각구도: 몸-섹슈얼리티-노동(이수자, 성신여대 여성학과 교수)
2부 노동과 섹슈얼리티
3) 성매매방지법과 여성주의자들의 방향 감각(고정갑희, 한신대 영문과 교수)
4) ‘친밀성’의 전지구적 상업화-한국의 이주여성 엔터테이너의 경험(김현미, 연세대 사회학과 교수)
5) 여성의 상품화된 감정노동(강현아, 전남대 여성연구소 연구원)
3부 여성 노동운동
6) 한국 민주노조운동의 가족이데올로기(이승주, 이화여대 여성학과 석사)
7) 노동운동의 위기와 여성노동운동의 도전(문은미, 여성문화이론연구소 연구원)
4부 여성노동의 재개념화
8) 은유로서의 거식증: 여성의 일과 꿈(임옥희, 여성문화이론연구소 출판기획)
9) 내가 직업을 네 개나 가지게 된 것은(김수정, 여성주의 자활생산공동체 ‘마고할미네’ 운영자)