Understanding Genetic Engineering

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Publication Date 2024/09/01
ISBN 9788961544399
Categories 대학교재 > 자연과학 계열
Contents in Brief
1 Overview of Genetic Engineering 1
2 Structure and Expression of Genes 14
3 Properties and Isolation of Nucleic Acids 42
4 Enzymes and Electrophoresis 60
5 Vectors 90
6 Construction of Recombinant DNA 114
7 Acquisition of Genes 142
8 Gene Analysis and Diagnoses 168
9 Genome Analysis and Genomics 200
10 Transcription Analysis and Control 252
11 Protein Purification and Analysis 292
12 Protein Engineering 324
13 Genetic Engineering of Microorganisms 372
14 Genetic Engineering of Animals 402
15 Genetic Engineering of Plants 444
16 Medical Application of Genetic Engineering 482
Glossary 513
Index 526