국기원 태권도연구소에서 현대 태권도의 기틀을 다진 엄운규(嚴雲奎)의 생애사를 처음으로 탄생시켰습니다. 엄운규는 태권도 현대사의 산증인이며, 그의 삶 자체가 바로 태권도의 역사입니다. 그의 생애에는 태권도 현대사의 희로애락이 오롯이 담겨 있습니다. 이 책은 엄운규라는 한 태권도인의 삶의 기록인 동시에 의미 있는 태권도의 현대사를 담고 있으며, 그의 뒤를 잇는 태권도 후학들이 태권도 역사를 써 가는데 있어 큰 교훈과 나침반이 될 것으로 확신합니다.
Part 1_ Entry to Taekwondo
UHM WOON KYU’s Childhood
Entry to Taekwondo
Meeting Instructor Lee Won-guk
Training Spirit of Chung Do Kwan
Invention of the Dwidollyeo-chagi and Ttwieo Yeop-chagi
Opening the Jung Do Kwan and Operational Support
Inauguration and Resignation with Son Deok-seong, Head of Kwan
Part 2_ The Road of a Taekwondo Leader
Military Taekwondo Instructor
Instructor of the Chung Do Kwan
Inauguration as the 3rd Kwan Head of the Chung Do Kwan
Part 3_ Unification of the Taekwondo Kwans
Foundation of Taekwondo Central Dojangs
Flooding of the Taekwondo Kwans
Controversy of the Chung Do Kwan’s Branch Kwans
Disputes on the Chung Do Kwan’s Opening
State of the Taekwondo Unification Era
Implementing the Unification of Taekwondo
Foundation of the Korea Taesudo Association
Election of the First President of the Korea Taesudo Association
Unification of Taekwondo Dan Promotion Tests
The Affiliation of Korea Taesudo Association to the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee
Organizations of Taekwondo Regional Associations
Hosting of the First Official Tournament
Establishment of Taekwondo Terminology
Renaming the Korea Taekwondo Association
Foundation of the International Taekwon-do Federation by Choi Hong-hi
Establishment of Poomsae
Part 4_ Establishment of the Foundation of Taekwondo and Globalization
Recruitment of President Kim Un-yong
First Publication of Taekwondo Bulletin ??Taekwondo??
Search for Means to Improve Taekwondo Instruction Methods
Organizing Groups of Korea Taekwondo Association
Construction of Central Dojang Kukkiwon
Opening of the World Taekwondo Championships
Foundation of the World Taekwondo Federation
World Taekwondo Federation Joins IOC
Overseas Dispatch of Taekwondo Masters
Establishment of Poom
Designation of Official Taekwondo Doboks
Foundation of School Federation
Complete Unification of Kwan Names
Part 5_ Life as a Taekwondo Administrator
Foundation of Seoul City Taekwondo Association
The Social Purification Movement and UHM WOON KYU’s Crisis
Sponsoring the 1986 Seoul Asian Games and the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics
Attraction of Sports Instructor Training Institute and Opening of the Kukkiwon Memorial Hall
Rumors of Candidacy as 17th President of the Korea Taekwondo Association
Urged to Resign by the New Millennium Taekwondo Conference
‘April 16 Student Demonstration’ and Pressures to Resign
Inauguration as 2nd President of Kukkiwon
Acquitted of Suspicion from Illegal Issuance of Dan Certificates and Budget Embezzlement
Establishment of Cooperative Systems between Taekwondo Groups
Resignation as President of Kukkiwon
Part 6_ On the Other Line of Taekwondo
Was Recommending Kang Won-sik as Kukkiwon President the Right Decision?
Did the Kukkiwon Elderly Council Foundation Properly?
Was the Transition to Special Corporation the Right Choice?
It the Taekwondo Academy Operating Properly?
Does His Life with Taekwondo Deserve the Honor?
Looking Back on the Traces of the Late Lee Jong-u, Taekwondo’s Future Must Look Back His Footsteps
Part 7_ UHM WOON KYU as Seen by His Juniors and Disciples
오하이오주립대학교(OSU)에서 스포츠교육학을 전공하고 1989년부터 인천대학교에서 30년간 재직하였다. 인천대학교 건설본부장, 교무처장, 학생처장, 체육진흥원장을 역임하였다. 국기원 이사, 원장직무대행, 태권도연구소장을 역임하였다. 한국스포츠교육학회 회장, 편집위원장, 총무이사를 역임하였다. 체육훈장 거상장, 대한체육회 체육상, 대한민국 지식경영대상, 올림픽성화회 학술연구상을 수상하였다.
영해고등학교 졸업
국민대학교 사범대학 체육교육과(학사)
서울대학교 대학원 체육교육과(석사)
오하이오주립대학교 체육교육과(박사)