The Science of Taekwondo

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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2014/12/04
Pages/Weight/Size 128*188*20mm
ISBN 9788991237957
Categories 건강 취미 > 스포츠/오락기타
이 책은 과학책이 아니다. 그렇다고 태권도 교본도 아니다. 이 책을 통해 몰랐던 과학을 배울 수 없을 것이며 알지 못했던 태권도의 ‘비법(秘法)’을 배울 수도 없을 것이기 때문이다. 왜냐하면, 태권도를 수련한 이들이라면 누구나 이미 알고 있을 ‘태권도’와 ‘과학’만을 말하고 있기 때문이다. 반면에 이 책은 태권도 교본이면서 동시에 과학책이기도 하다. 태권도를 알면 과학이 보이고 과학을 알면 태권도를 잘 이해할 수 있기 때문이다.
This is not a book of science. Nor is this a Taekwondo manual. For, you won’t be able to learn science, nor secrets of Taekwondo through the book. This book is all about ‘Taekwondo,’ and ‘science,’ only to the extent anyone who has ever exercised Taekwondo would already know. Ironically, however, this book will function as a book of science, and as a Taekwondo manual. For, those who know Taekwondo would get to know more about science, and vice versa.

이제껏 무의식적으로 행하던 태권도를 주의 깊게 관찰하다보면 그 안에 살아 숨 쉬는 과학을 발견할 수 있게 된다. 과학 원리를 바탕으로 펼쳐지는 태권도의 세계. 태권도로 배우는 과학, 그것이 바로 이 책의 테마다.
If you take closer looks at Taekwondo, you will be able to find out how science works vividly in it. The world of Taekwondo based on principles of science, and science that you can learn through Taekwondo - these are the two main themes of the book.

What is the Science of Taekwondo

Chapter 1: Mind and Muscle

1. Principle of Mind Training

2. Speed and Reaction
(1) Aerial Dog Fights (2) Baseball batting
(3) Sparring (4) Real Life Combat

3. Brain and Muscle Coordination
1) Brain Memory and Muscle Coordination
(1) Coordination (2) Mental preparation training (Image Training)
(3) Expert or Master of Arts

Chapter 2: Body

1. Dynamics of Human Body
(1) Efficiency

2. Body Anatomy
(1) Joints (2) Cartilage (3) Tendons and ligaments
(4) Spine (5) Skull or Cranial bones (6) Human Growth

3. Muscle Composition
(1) Muscle Strength Training (2) Strength Training Hands and Feet
(3) Strength Fitness Training for Different Sports
(4) Importance of Training (5) Body Flexibility

4. Muscle Movements
(1) Pulling Property of Muscles (2) Muscle Relaxation upper body
(3) Muscle Relaxation lower body (4) Muscle Relaxation Speed and Power
(5) Muscle Application - Power

5. Pelvis (Hip) Functions
(1) Hip Function Transfer Gear (2) Jumping Angle

Chapter 3: The center of Mass and the Stability

1. Center of Mass (Gravity)
(1) Center of Mass Location and Stability
(2) Center of Mass Walking and Running
(3) Center of Mass Vertical Height and Stability
(4) Size of Base of Support and Stability
(5) Weight and Stability
(6) Stability Offense and Defense in Sports

2. Center of Mass Outside of Physical Body
(1) High Jumps Using Center of Mass Outside of Physical Body

3. Center of Mass Weight Shift

Chapter 4: Laws of Motion Basic Principles of Objects

1. Newton's first law: Law of Inertia
(1) Objects at Rest (2) Objects in Motion
(3) Law of Inertia in Rotating Objects

2. Newton's Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration

3. Newton's Third Law of Motion: Law of Action and Reaction
(1) Action and Reaction from Ground
(2) Action and Reaction When Turning
(3) Action and Reaction during Collision
(4) Action and Reaction Vital Points
(5) Action and Reaction Defense
(6) Action and Reaction Breaking

4. Principle of Seesaw
(1) Action and Reaction - Arms (2) Action and Reaction Body and Torso

5. Action and Reaction - Push and Pull

6. Action and Reaction Law of Reflection

Chapter 5: FORCE

1. Pressure Force Per Area
(1) Pressure Concentration of Power

2. Dispersion of Power Defense, Falling Technique and Safety Gear
Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Bed of Nails and Walking on Crushed Glass Bed

(1) Square Cube Law (2) Surface Area and Air Resistance

3. Tensile Force (Strength) and Pressure
(1) Hollowed Bricks (2) Dome Construction
(3) Board Breaking Parallel to the Grain

4. Volume and Density
(1) Objects with Different Densities (2) Scaling Law

5. Sweet Spots

6. Frictions
(1) Surface Friction

7. Normal force
(1) Friction and Normal Force Reaction Force
(2) Pivot Angle Reaction Force

8. Fluid Dynamics
(1) Water Resistance Training (2) Turbulence Training
(3) Putting out candle flames and Pulling Paper in the air
(4) Buoyancy
Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Pascal’s Principle



2. Impulse
Master Lee’s Junk Box!:Breaking concrete block on the stomach with a sledgehammer

3. Wind Ups
(1) Momentum Distance (2) Impulse Time

4. Impulse - Follow-Through

5. Impulse - Shock
(1) Protective Gears (2) Impulse - Soft Hand
(3) Impulse Riding the Punch (4) Falling Techniques and Footwork

6. Force Collision time
(1) Impulse - Breaking

Chapter 7: Net Force

1. Equilibrium of Forces

2. Vector and Net Force

3. Application of Vectors and Net Force in Taekwondo - Defense
(1) Defense Your Strength (2) Defense Re-Directing

(3) Defense Changing the direction of an Attack
4. Application of Vectors and Net Force in Taekwondo - Offense
(1) Muscles (2) Weight Shifting
(3) Supporting Leg (4) Gravity and Vector

5. FLEXIBILITY and Vectors
(0) Rebounding Effect (1) Elastic Energy : Explosive Power
(2) Follow Through and Rebound

6. Vector Applications
(0) Target (Hitting) Angle (1) Competition Stance
(2) Breaking Techniques (3) Maintaining Stability

Chapter 8: Parabolic Motion

1. Gravity
(1) Free Fall

2. Parabolic motion of an object
(1) Launch Angle (2) Horizontal Component - Distance
(3) Vertical Component - Height (4) Air Time
(5) Standing Vertical Jump verses Running Start Vertical Jump


1. Work and Energy

2. Thermal Energy
Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Fire Walking

3. Wave Energy
(1) Energy transfer via Waves
Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Screw Punch Vs.Straight Punch
(2) Overlapping Wave Energy (3) Resonance
(4) Sound Energy (5) Potential Energy
(6) Difference between Weight and Mass

4. Kinetic Energy


6. Energy Conversion and Conservation


1. Tangential speed
(1) Weapons - Speed and Length

2. Angular Momentum
(1) Angular Momentum and radius
(2) Angular Momentum and Mass
(3) Angular Momentum and Mass Distribution
(4) Angular Momentum, Mass Distribution and Kicking
(5) 540 degrees spinning kicks - Ultimate offensive moves

3. Reactionary force of rotational inertia
(1) Rotational Movement - Walking and Kicking
(2) Rotational Movement - Reaction Force Kicks

Chapter 11: Self-Defense

1. Offense
2. Defense
3. More Defense


Master Jung K. Lee,Christopher K. Pak