the messages from ancestors JOSEON Dynasty

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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2012/06/10
Pages/Weight/Size 145*210*20mm
ISBN 9788994792392
Categories 역사
To the readers

As you see from the title, the purpose of this book is to introduce the wisdom and morality of Korean's ancestors for the foreigners. Even though this book contains a little bit of our ancestors' messages, I am sure that it will help you to understand the way of how ancient Koreans thought and lived. I am really grateful for my family and my history teacher who have encouraged me to challenge this task.
The most part of the passages used here, are from the book,『The Petition to the King』 (2010, Seoul: PYEONGDAN) written by LEE HOSUN, my father, to whom I particularly thank.
The messages from Ancestors, JOSEON Dynasty (English)

⋆ King's Diary
- Diary 1 Year 1392, July 28th
King TAEJO’s announcement at his Coronation
- Diary 2 Year 1399, October 8th
Mr. KWON GEUN’s advice on how to rule the nation
- Diary 3 Year 1401, January 14th
Mr. KWON GEUN’s second recommendations on how to rule the nation
- Diary 4 Year 1401, February 10th
The Procedure of Judgment should be followed
- Diary 5 Year 1405, August 22nd
Keeping Manners should be simple.
- Diary 6 Year 1406, July 26th
The advice and opinion on the administration from SAGANWON
- Diary 7 Year 1406, December 20th
The SAHEONBU's statement about the standards of evaluating local governors
- Diary 8 Year 1422, August 1st
The Advisory Statement for Relief Effort for Citizens Suffering from Natural Catastrophes
- Diary 9 Year 1423 May 17th
The Criteria of High Officers’ Designation
- Diary 10 Year 1425, February 2nd
The Request for Permission to Accuse Corrupted Governors
- Diary 11 Year 1425, December 10th
The Statement on Dealing with Illegal Actions Done by Founding Contributor's Descendants
- Diary 12 Year 1426, July 25th
The Impeachment Statement about Corrupted Governors
- Diary 13 Year 1433, July 27th
The Statement about Imposed Labor
- Diary 14 Year 1436, May 16th
The Petition for Punishment for Misreporting the Death Toll
- Diary 15 Year 1436, June 14th
Requesting more severe punishment for theft
- Diary 16 Year 1437, July 14th
The Request for the Permission to Punish the Descendants of National Patriots
- Diary 17 Year 1437, August 7th
Never Reappointing those Who Committed Illegal Wealth Accumulation and Ran Away
- Diary 18 Year 1439, February 1st
Banning Lawsuits in Front of the King
- Diary 19 Year 1439, May 3rd
Advisory Statement about the Need for Precision and Speed in Civil Procedure
- Diary 20 Year 1441, August 20nd
The Policy of Extracting Gold and Managing Gold Mines

⋆ Korean, Who's who
1. KWON GEUN (1352-1409)
2. MAENG SAS대NG (1360-1438)
3. HWANG HUI (1363-1452)
4. YUN HO (1380-1436)
5. LEE HWANG (1501-1570)
6. LEE YULGOK (1536-1584)
7. LEE HANGBOK(1556-1618)
8. HEO MOK (1595-1682) and SONG SIYEOL (1607-1689)
10. JEONG YAKYONG (1762-1836)

⋆ Further Study
1. How could the liegemen communicate with their King in JOSEON?
2. How could JOSEON keep in recording daily lives more than 500years?
3. How could JOSEON protect themselves from neighboring enemies?
4. Why did JOSEON forbid people to live extravagantly?
5. How could JOSEON help people in need?
6. What was the most valuable virtue for officials in JOSEON?
7. What did JOSEON do to govern people more effectively?
8. What was the role of law in JOSEON?
9. What was the most valuable virtue for the King in JOSEON?
10. What was the social status of women in JOSEON?

The messages from Ancestors, JOSEON Dynasty (Korean)

⋆ 기록
기록1. 태조의 즉위교서
기록2. 권근(權近)의 제1차 상소
기록3. 권근(權近)의 제2차 상소
기록4. 사법적 절차에 대한 존중
기록5. 예법은 간소해야
기록6. 사간원의 시무 상소
기록7. 수령의 업무평가 기준
기록8. 재난을 당한 백성에 대한 구휼대책
실록9. 고급관리임명 기준
기록10. 탐관오리들에 대한 대책
실록11. 공신 자손들에 대한 처벌
기록12. 무능한 지방수령에 대한 파면
기록13. 백성의 고역을 덜어줘야
기록14. 보고를 잘못한 책임
기록15. 절도죄의 증가에 대하여 엄한 처벌을 구하다.
기록16. 공신의 후예를 처벌할 수 있도록 해달라는 상소
기록17. 부정축재하고 도주한 자는 다시 등용하지 않기로 하다.
기록18. 어가 앞에서 고소하는 행위를 금하다.
기록 19. 형사재판의 신중함과 민사재판의 신속함에 관한 상소
기록 20. 금의 채취와 금광관리에 관한 조치

⋆ 한국인 이야기
1. 권근(1352-1409)
2. 맹사성(1360-1438)
3. 황희(1363-1452)
4. 윤회(1380-1436)
5. 이황(1501-1570)
6. 이이(1536-1584)
7. 이항복(1556-1618)
8. 허목(1595-1682)과 송시열(1607-1689)
9. 김재해(17C)
10. 정약용(1762-1836)

⋆ 심화학습
1. 조선시대 신하들은 어떻게 왕과 소통했을까?
2. 조선은 어떻게 500년 이상 일상을 기록해 왔을까?
3. 조선은 외적을 어떻게 방어하였을까?
4. 왜 조선은 백성들의 사치를 금하였는가?
5. 조선시대에는 어려운 백성들을 어떻게 도왔을까?
6. 조선시대 관리에게 요구되는 최고의 덕목은 무엇이었을까?
7. 조선시대엔 백성들을 잘 다스리기 위해 어떤 노력을 했을까?
8. 조선시대에 법은 어떤 역할을 했을까?
9. 조선시대에 군주에게 가장 요구되는 덕목은 무엇이었을까?
10. 조선시대 여성들의 사회적 지위는 어떠하였을까?