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이 책의 구성과 특징
토플 시험 소개
TOEFL Reading 정복 학습 플랜
Introduction Question Types
Chapter 1 Biology
Passage 1: Feeding Strategies in the Ocean
Passage 2: Thermoregulation in Amphibians
Passage 3: Transgenic Plants
Chapter 2 Ecology
Passage 1: Direct Species Translocation
Passage 2: Evolution of Flowering Plants
Passage 3: Coral Reefs
Chapter 3 Art
Passage 1: Pottery in the Roman Empire
Passage 2: The Creation of Cave Paintings
Passage 3: The Theater Audience
Chapter 4 Geology
Passage 1: Soil Quality of Tropical Rainforests
Passage 2: The Influence of Glaciers
Passage 3: Understanding Earth’s Interior
Chapter 5 Astronomy
Passage 1: Star Death
Passage 2: Planets in Our Solar System
Passage 3: Structure and Composition of Comets
Chapter 6 History
Passage 1: The Culture of Britain Under Rome
Passage 2: Innovation in Ancient Iran
Passage 3: Sumerian City-States
Chapter 7 Education
Passage 1: Autobiographical Memory
Passage 2: Early Childhood Education
Passage 3: Reflection in Teaching
Chapter 8 Economics
Passage 1: The Commercialization of Lumber
Passage 2: The Revolution of Cheap Print
Passage 3: European Economic Growth in the 17th Century