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Korean Temple Motifs



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Publication Date 2005/12/19
Pages/Weight/Size 188*254*30mm
ISBN 9788971992272
2000년 제41회 한국백상출판문화상 기획 출판상을 수상한 『사찰장식, 그 빛나는 상징의 세계』영문판이다. 5년여 동안 전국 250여 개의 사찰을 답사한 저자는 사찰 곳곳을 채우고 있는 장식문양과 신의 형상을 닮은 조형물들의 상징적 의미를 직관적 통찰력으로 밝혀내고 있다.

U. C 버클리 대학에서 한국학을 전공하고 한국에서 번역가, 강사로 활동하며, 『Joseon Royal Court Culture』를 번역하였던 Timothy V. Atkinson 교수가 한국 불교문화에 대한 깊은 연구를 토대로 원문을 꼼꼼하게 번역하였다. 설명이 필요한 용어나 경전, 인물에 대한 상세한 주가 추가되었고, 한글판에는 없지만 한국의 사찰을 방문해보고 싶은 외국인들을 배려하여 한국의 주요 사찰 위치와 홈페이지 주소가 부록으로 실려 있으며, 어려운 불교 용어를 명쾌하게 설명해주는 Glossary도 추가되었다.

At large temple sites, there are usually small and large gatehouses from the main entrance to the temple building, with bells, pagodas, temples, images of Buddha and various decorative emblems seen here and there. Their purpose is not just limited to decorating the temple but they aspire to praise the virtuous deeds of Buddha and realize his ideal world filled with goodness and beauty in a sublime way.

This book explains the symbolic significance of varied temple ornaments and decorative emblems that were created from religious yearning towards Buddha and aesthetic sense of the past. It explores the religious yearnings found in varied emblems and ornaments which come in the form of lotus flower, dragon, turtle, lion, fish and so on and takes a fresh look at their beauty. These decorate the temples sometimes majestically and at other times, in a humorous and friendly way. Through the book, the reader can experience the yearnings of the worshippers who endeavored to unfold the world and teachings of Buddha through mysterious and beautiful paintings, sculpture and architecture.
Author's Preface

Part 1 The Symbolic World within the Decorative Patterns
Part 2 The Dream of Sukhavati Gracing Buddha Halls
Part 3 The Hidden Buddhist Truths in the World of Forms
Part 4 The Buddha Realm Re-created on Earth

Addresses of Korean Temples
Glossary Index
허균,Timothy V.Atkinson