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Korean Families

Continuity and Change


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Publication Date 2011/12/30
Pages/Weight/Size 160*235*30mm
ISBN 9788952112576
사회학, 인류학, 여성학, 생활과학, 역사학 등 다양한 분야의 학자들이 모여 가족을 연구하는 한국가족학회에서 첫 번째 영문도서 Korean Families를 펴냈다. 학문의 세계화 영향으로 한국 가족에 대한 영문판 전문서적의 수요는 증가하고 있으나, 현재 학자 개인의 논문을 제외하고는 거의 전무한 실정에서 한국가족학회가 한국가족학 영문단행본을 펴냈다. 한국에서 영어강의를 수강하는 학생과 영어권의 한국 유학생에게는 한국가족학의 학문적 성과를 체계적으로 이해할 수 있도록 돕고, 더 나아가 전 세계의 비교문화적 가족연구에 관심을 가진 전문가 및 일반 독자에게 한국 가족 연구의 높은 수준을 알릴 수 있게 되었다.
Introduction: Continuity and Change in Patrilineal Culture of Korean Families
Ok, Sun Wha (Seoul National University)
I. Traditional Korean Families
1. Family/Kinship System under the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties
Yi, Jong Seo (Ulsan University)
2. From a Daughter to Daughter-in-law
Lee, SoonGu (National Institute of Korean History)
II. Family and Society
3. Changes in Population and Family in Korea
Eun, Ki-Soo (Seoul National University)
4.Compressed Modernity and Korean Families: Accidental Pluralism in Family Ideology
Chang, Kyung-Sup (Seoul National University)
III. Family, Change, and Space
5. Economic Roles of Women and Men in Korean Rural Families: Between 1930 and 1980
Park, Boo Jin (Myongji University)
6. Urban Family Relationships in the Rapidly Industrializing Korean Society
Kim, Myung-hye (Chonnam National University)
7. An Evaluation of Older Less-Educated, Lower-Class Working Women
Cho, Oakla (Sogang University)
IV. Family and Gender
8. Imagining the South Korean Family beyond Patriarchy
Lee, Jae Kyung (Ewha Womans University)
9. Love, Sexuality, and Marriage
Sohn, Seong Young (Dongduk Women's University)
10. Women's Work and Kin Relationships since the 1960s
Kim, Hye-Kyung (Chonbuk National University)
V. Family in Life Stages
11. The Early Years of Marriage
Chung, Hyunsook (Sangmyung University)
12. Korean Families in Mid-Life: Over-Emphasis on Children’s Education
Chin, Meejung (Seoul National University)
13. Korean Family Relationships in Later Life
Sung, Miai (Korea National Open University)