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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2021/07/23
Pages/Weight/Size 144*210*20mm
ISBN 9791197459535
Categories 자기계발
This books is about happiness skills that we usually ignore unconsciously. The happiness expert Lee Kyung-chae(Hanna) is the happiest person in this society. She has a very happy family, children and grandchild. She has a very romantic husband who is very happy and wise. She also builds a good relationship with her husband. They love each other so much. They respect other person's needs and desires. They communicate well. This book will be the textbook for the people who want to have that kind of happy relationship.
Prologue ··················································· 7
Recommendations ········································ 12

Chapter 01

Cultivating the Heart of Husband and Wife
01 Let’s understand your spouse’s childhood ················· 17
02 Let’s read the real inner self with intimacy ·················· 24
03 Enjoy the difference between man and woman ············ 31
04 Always attune your harmony when having a conversation · · 40
05 Read a book together as a couple ·························· 48
06 Discover the 〈Love Language〉 ····························· 54
07 Let’s draw a clear love map ································· 62

Chapter 02

Cultivating the Heart of Father and Son
01 Live ‘Here and Now’ ········································ 69
02 Help Someone ············································· 78
03 Solve the assignment of the inner self with love ············ 84
04 A competent person learns how to stand on one’s own ····· 93
05 Do not be afraid of a problem and confront it ·············· 98
06 It is good to give and forget ································ 102

Chapter 03

Cultivating the Heart of Father and Daughter
01 Wait until Critical Mass is filled ······························ 108
02 Make complementing and encouraging a habit ············ 113
03 Have a clear identity ········································ 118
04 Have a self-esteem of happiness ···························· 124
05 Coach yourself (Self-Coaching) ······························· 130
06 Learn diligently and give it to others ························ 135

Chapter 04

Cultivating the Heart of Mother and Son
01 Fill up the love tank ········································ 140
02 Rise up to the level of self-actualization ····················· 149
03 Change your mindset to be absolutely positive ············· 154
04 Open the future world with emotional intelligence ········· 159
05 Enjoy the gift given by nature ······························ 163
06 Happiness in something small is great happiness ··········· 169
07 If you think while running, your thought also races with you ··· 174

Chapter 05

Cultivating the Heart of Mother and Daughter
01 Train yourself with heart-pounding passion ················ 182
02 Find the hot button in your inner self ······················· 187
03 Make a personal brand with your own unique color ········ 194
04 Refine yourself like a diamond ······························ 199
05 Always come up with new recipes ·························· 206
06 Make as many memories as possible ······················· 214

Chapter 06

Cultivating My Heart How to Tend the Garden of your Inner Self
01 Write as if you are gardening day by day ···················· 224
02 Know people and the world by reading 10,000 books ······ 230
03 Be thankful with your heart and body ······················ 236
04 Remember the people who have helped you up to now ···· 244
05 Forget your age and always start anew ····················· 249
06 Think of yourself as a star ··································· 256
07 Live a rainbow life ·········································· 265

Epilogue ·················································· 271
5 ways to enjoy a festive life

01 Be your one and only self in the world ······················ 275
02 Dream a dream of stars (☆) ································· 277
03 Love passionately ·········································· 279
04 Go on a trip that makes your heart flutter ··················· 280
05 Write about the garden of your inner self ··················· 282

Communication Style Inventory ······················· 284
Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) ····························· 287
Lee Kyung-chae(Hanna)
강원도 평창에서 출생, 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 상담학 졸업, 코칭 NLP프렉티셔너, 상담심리사 30여 자격의 가정사역 상담가로서 25년간 가정의 회복과 행복을 세워 오고 있다. [에세이스트] 수필신인상, [코스모스문학] 신인작품상, [크리스천문학나무] 신인동화상 수상, 2015년 한국을 빛낸 100인 문인상, 2016년 코스모스문학상 본상, 그동안 에세이와 동화작가로 활동하며 글쓰기 상담가로 지금도 활동 중에 있다.

저서로 『다뉴브강에서의 아름다운 추억』, 『만나면 행복해지는 사람들』 외 작은 책 12권, 공동저자 『한국을 빛낸 100인 문인 명작선』, 에세이스트 연간집 『문학회 가는 길』 등이 있다. 현재 한국문인협회회원, 휴먼서비스복지회 전문위원, 드림스타트 미술심리상담사, 강서아이윌센타 상담사, 글사랑 비블리오 테라피스트로 재능기부 활동을 하고 있다.

Hanna was born in Pyeongchang, Ganwon Province. She has graduated from Yeonsei Yeonhap Theology graduate school majoring in counselling. She is an expert of Family healing and recovery with having over 30 kinds of counselling certificates for 30 years.

She has gotten the Rookie of the Year award in essay and cosmos literature. She also has taken the New Fairy Tale Award in Christian Literature Tree. She has enlightened Korean literary spirit and gotten the prize of 100 writer's award in 2015. In 2016, she has got the main prize of cosmos literature. She has been active in various field of essay and children's story writer.

She has written over 30 books 'Life Recipe', 'Rich Habit of our Children', 'The Beautiful Memory of Danube River', 'The People who make me Happy', and co writer of 'A selection of masterpieces who enlightened Korea', Yearly collection of Essay, 'The Road to a literary society', 'The empty sky as it is', 'Coexistence of indifference', ‘Wow, I am reading a fairy tale', 'The Bride of May' and so on.

She is the representative of Life Recipe Research coach and counselling CEO. She is active in reading club of Hongdae butterfly reading management and therapist in love your writing Biblio.
강원도 평창에서 출생, 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 상담학 졸업, 코칭 NLP프렉티셔너, 상담심리사 30여 자격의 가정사역 상담가로서 25년간 가정의 회복과 행복을 세워 오고 있다. [에세이스트] 수필신인상, [코스모스문학] 신인작품상, [크리스천문학나무] 신인동화상 수상, 2015년 한국을 빛낸 100인 문인상, 2016년 코스모스문학상 본상, 그동안 에세이와 동화작가로 활동하며 글쓰기 상담가로 지금도 활동 중에 있다.

저서로 『다뉴브강에서의 아름다운 추억』, 『만나면 행복해지는 사람들』 외 작은 책 12권, 공동저자 『한국을 빛낸 100인 문인 명작선』, 에세이스트 연간집 『문학회 가는 길』 등이 있다. 현재 한국문인협회회원, 휴먼서비스복지회 전문위원, 드림스타트 미술심리상담사, 강서아이윌센타 상담사, 글사랑 비블리오 테라피스트로 재능기부 활동을 하고 있다.

Hanna was born in Pyeongchang, Ganwon Province. She has graduated from Yeonsei Yeonhap Theology graduate school majoring in counselling. She is an expert of Family healing and recovery with having over 30 kinds of counselling certificates for 30 years.

She has gotten the Rookie of the Year award in essay and cosmos literature. She also has taken the New Fairy Tale Award in Christian Literature Tree. She has enlightened Korean literary spirit and gotten the prize of 100 writer's award in 2015. In 2016, she has got the main prize of cosmos literature. She has been active in various field of essay and children's story writer.

She has written over 30 books 'Life Recipe', 'Rich Habit of our Children', 'The Beautiful Memory of Danube River', 'The People who make me Happy', and co writer of 'A selection of masterpieces who enlightened Korea', Yearly collection of Essay, 'The Road to a literary society', 'The empty sky as it is', 'Coexistence of indifference', ‘Wow, I am reading a fairy tale', 'The Bride of May' and so on.

She is the representative of Life Recipe Research coach and counselling CEO. She is active in reading club of Hongdae butterfly reading management and therapist in love your writing Biblio.