한국 고등교육의 발전이 어떻게 이루어졌는가 여러 가지 학문적 관점에서 고찰하고 있는 학술서이다. 여러 역사적인 요인들과 미국 등 여러 국가들의 영향력을 살펴보고, 한국 고등교육의 과거, 현재, 미래를 살펴볼 수 있다.
Part One. Introduction
I. Identification of the Problem
1. Statement fo the Problem
2. Research Questions
3. Significance of the Study
4. Limitations of the Study
5. Definitions of Terms
6. Research Nethod and Procedures
Part Two. Hostorical Background
II. Elite Education in the Traditional Period(57 BC-AD 1910)
1. The Three Kingdoms(57 BC-AD 668)
and the Unified Sills Kingdom(668-935)
2. The Koryo Dynasty(918-1392)
3. The Choson Dynasty(1392-1910)
III. Higher Education in the Modern Period(AD 1910-1990s)
1. Japanese Colonial Rule (1910-1945)
2. U.S. Military government (1945-1948)
3. Republic of Korea (1948-1990s)
Part Three. Religious and Philosophical Factors
IV. Buddhism in the Traditional Period
1. Hwarang in th Silla Kingdom Period
2. Monastic Buddhist Schools in the Traditional Period
V. Confucianism in the Choson Period
1. The Governmental Administrative Structure and Educational Administrators
2. Seongkyunkwan (The National Comfucian Acsdemy)
3. Kwa-keo (The National Civil Service Examination) Systems
VI. Christianity and Western Thoughts in the Late Choson Period
1. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism
2. Protestantism
3. Missionary Higher Education
VII. Japanese Imperialism under Its Colonial Rule
1. Shintoism
2. Japanese Imperial Higher Education
VIII. American Infuence : 1945-1948
(Americanism under the United State Military Government)
IX. Contemporary Thoughts
1. The Context of Contemporary Korean Higher Education
2. Contemporary Korean Higher Education :
Perspectives of Educational Administration
3. Legal Basis of Education and Administrative Structure
4. The Current Educational Administrative Structure and School Systems
5. The Impact of Contemporary Thoughts on Educational
Administration in Korean Higher Educations
6. The Characteristics of Contemporary Korean Higher Education
Part Four. Summary and Conclusion
X. Summary and Conclusion
XI. Implications for Korean Higher Education
and Educational Administration