This book is designed to help readers acquire theoretical knowledge of service management and apply it in practice, serving as a guideline for corporate management in the service industry. It begins with a definition of service management, followed by the second chapter on understanding service customers and the third chapter on customer relationship management. It then addresses issues related to service differentiation, studies related cases, and discusses service marketing, service quality, and service leadership. The final chapter covers an introduction to customer satisfaction management.
1. Understanding Service Management
2. Service Customer
3. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
4. Service Differentiation
5. A Case Study on Service Differentiation
6. Service Marketing
7. Service Quality
8. Service Leadership
9. Customer Satisfaction Management
김학선,김세은,Aura Lydia Riswanto,Angellie Williady,반현정
학력 박사 Texas Tech Univ.
서울대학교 학사/석사
경력 경성대학교 호텔관광외식경영학부 교수
경성대학교 웰니스·관광빅데이터연구소 소장
경성대학교 국제처 처장
학력 박사 Texas Tech Univ.
서울대학교 학사/석사
경력 경성대학교 호텔관광외식경영학부 교수
경성대학교 웰니스·관광빅데이터연구소 소장
경성대학교 국제처 처장