Frank W. Schofield as Remembered in Records and Memory

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Publication Date 2016/12/03
Pages/Weight/Size 141*200*20mm
ISBN 9791160370447
Categories 종교 > 기독교(개신교)
Chapter 1: The Life of Frank Schofield … 20

1.A Freedom Fighter’s Remarkable Journey: From Baslow To Korea E
2. “The Arch Agitator:” Dr. Frank W. Schofield and the Korean Independence
Movement _Barbara Legault, John F. Prescott E
3.Dr. Frank W. Schofield and the Korean National Consciousness
_Doretha E. Mortimore E
4. Doctor Frank William Schofield - The Westerner Who Loved Korea
With His Body and Heart -_Chung Un-chanK

Chapter 2: 1916-1920 … 104

1.The Unquenchable Fire
Chapter 15: Korea’s Twenty-one Demands Upon Japan E
2.Frank Schofield and Henry A. Mee
Korea’s Cry for Freedom E
3.March First Movements, Massacres in Jeam-ri and Suchon-ri
(1) What Happened on Sam Il Day March 1, 1919, The Feel of Korea (1966) E
(2) The Massacre of Jeam-ri (1919) E
(3) Report of the Suchon Atrocities (1919. 7. 26) E
4. Critiques of Japanese Colonialism
1) The Seoul Press
(1) National Happiness the Real Criterion of Successful Government (1919. 4. 13) E
(2) Japan’s Problem in Korea (1919. 5. 10) E
(3) Drastic Reform Needed (1919. 10) E
(4) A Visit to West Gate Prison (1919. 5. 11) E
(5) Deep-rooted and Unjust Suspicion (1919. 5. 16) E

2) The Japan Advertiser
(1) Freedom from Assimilation E
(2) Readers in Council: An Imperial Commission of Inquiry for Korea (1919. 7. 1) E
(3) Discovery of the Korean Mind (1919. 8. 2) E
(4) Korean Reforms: Japan’s Challenge to Korea.An Impossible Policy (1919. 8. 26) E
(5) Reforms in Korea II: Canada or Ireland? Need for an Investigation (1919. 8. 27) E
(6) Readers in Council: Torture in Korea.A Matter for Dr. Midzuno (1919. 11. 29) E
(7) Missions Blamed for Korean Unrest (1919. 12. 10) E
(8) Origin of False Korean Reports (1919. 12. 28) E
(9) Korean Reforms: A Critical and Constructive Survey of the New Regime (1920. 3. 12) E
(10) Korean Reforms: A Critical Survey II . The Passing of the Gendarmes (1920. 3. 13)E
(11) Korean Reforms: Genuine Ameliorations Have Failed of Effect because of Harsh
Administration (1920. 3. 14) E
(12) Readers in Council: Korea.A Rejoinder to the Rev. Frank Herron Smith (1920. 4. 10) E
3) The Globe

(1) Korea Groans Beneath Yoke of Oppression (1920. 7. 12) E
(2) Future of Korea: An Interview with Mr. Hara (1920. 9. 4) E

4) New York Times Current History
Torture of Prisoners in Korea (1920. 1.) E

5) The Christian Science Monitor
Korean Women Have the ‘Him’ (1920. 6. 7) E

6) Dong-A Daily
(1) The Key to the Development of Joseon (1920. 4. 1) K
(2) Ninety Strikes Is too Severe (1920. 4. 1) K

5. Reports from the Mission Field

(1) December 30, 1916 E
(2) January 8, 1917 E
(3) December 3, 1918 E
(4) January 11, 1919 E
(5) May 8, 1919 E
(6) August 7 1919 E
(7) August 7, 1919 E
(8) August 9, 1919 E
(9) October 25, 1919 E
(10) December 6, 1919 E
(11) December 13, 1919 E
(12) December 23, 1919 E
(13) December 27, 1919 E
(14) January 22, 1920 E
(15) April 21, 1922 E

Chapter 3: 1920-1958 … 306

1.World-renowned Veterinarian
(1) Frank W. Schofield.Bibliography E
(2) OVC’s Brilliant Scientist Korea’s “Tiger Grandfather”_Robin Baird Lewis E
2.Veterinarian Articles and Thesis
(1) Damaged sweet Clover: The Cause of a New Disease in Cattle simulating
Hemorrhagic septicemia and Blackleg (1924) E
(2) A Case of scrapie in an Imported Ewe (1938) E
(3) The Pathology and Bacteriology of Infectious Atrophic Rhinitis in swine
(1950) E
3.Works for Korea
(1) Re: Korea Missionaries and Work Among Japanese E
(2) My Beloved Joseon Compatriots K
(3) My Dear Joseon Friends K
(4) My Beloved Brothers of Joseon K
(5) Dear Joseon Brothers K

Chapter 4: 1958-1970 … 392

1.Article Contributions
1) March First Manse Movement and Its Spirit
(1) The Unity Shown by “Hail Independence” (1969. 2. 28, 3. 1) K
(2) The Victory of Righteousness, Courage, and Freedom (1960. 4. 28) K
(3) The March First Movement Is the Symbol of the Korean Spirit (1969.03.01) K
(4)The Bedridden “Thirty-fourth Representative” of the March First Independence
Movement (1970. 3. 2) K
2) Critiques of Injustice and Corruption
(1) Why Are There Armed Police in front of the National Assembly Hall? (1959. 3. 1)K
(2) My View on the Coup d’Etat of the Korean Republic E
(3) Dr. Schofield Talking about March 15 (1962. 3. 15) K
(4) Unsettled Second Homeland: Dr. Schofield Wrote to Chairman Park (1963. 3. 23) K
(5) I Have a Right to Speak. I Belong to Korea 1963. 9. 13 K
(6) Austerity Only by Example: Special Contribution by Dr. Schofield (1964. 1. 16) K
(7) A Person Who Deserves Imprisonment (1964. 2. 25) K
(8) A Full Account of the Scandal Should Be Revealed (1964. 3. 3) K
(9) In the Middle of Division Everywhere (1964. 12. 6) K
(10) Letters to the Editor: Unrest in Korea (1965. 11. 2) E
(11) The Problems of Seoul University: Orthodox, Paradox, Vanity (1962. 12. 3) K
(12) The Church in Korea, Yesterday and Today (1961. 3) K /E
(13) A Strong Responsibility for the Eradication of Illegalities and Corruption (1970. 4. 16) K
3) Thoughts of the Time
(1) Good and Evil_Thoughts of the Time (1967. 1. 24)E
(2) Resurrection_Thoughts of the Time (1969. 4. 2)E
(3) Christian Thoughts Beyond Science_Thoughts of the Time (1969. 8. 12)E
(4) Atheistic Humanism_Thoughts of the Time (1969. 9. 11)E
(5) Chusok and a True Meaning of Thanksgiving_Thoughts of the Time (1969. 9. 26)E
(6) Death of a Child and Death of Jesus_Thoughts of the Time (1969. 11. 28)E
(7) Honesty Is the Only Way to Prosperity (1961. 4)E
(8) The Greatest Power in the World (1959. 3)K
(9) A Long and Difficult RaceE
2.Orphanages, Bible Study, Education
(1) Further News from Korea E
(2) Orphanage Building Fund E
(3) Work in Korea E
(4) My Dear Friends-1 E
(5) My Dear Friends-2 E
(6) My Dear Paisley Friends and Other HelpersE
(7) Pearls E
(8) Address to the Graduating ClassE

Chapter 5: Evaluation and Reflection … 506

1.Mass media on Schofield
A Good Friend E

Jeam-ri Prays for Dr. Schofield Who Protected the Village During the March
First MovementK

2.Koreans’ Reflections on Schofield
The Last Moments of Dr. Schofield with Baek Nan-yeong and Chun Taek-bu K
The Dr. Schofield Spoken of by Lee Gap-seongK

My Savior and Mentor Dr. Schofield_Lee Sam-yeolK

3.International Reflection on Schofield
(1) Obituary: Francis William Schofield 1889-1970 E
(2) Dr. Frank W. Schofield E
(3) Some Recollections of Dr. Frank SchofieldE
4. Schofield, The Sleepless Tiger: an Original Musical PortraitE
_David Archibald

Appendix … 605