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매거진 F (격월) : 4월 영문판 [2020년]

No.12 김치 (KIMCHI)


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Publication Date 2020/04/01
Pages/Weight/Size 170*240*20mm
ISBN 9791160361063
Magazine F is a food documentary magazine co-created by Magazine B and Baemin, which introduces one particular ingredient that has had a significant impact on people’s table. Baemin has become a critical mover and shaker in South Korean contemporary food culture, and B provides a balanced view on brands through multi-layered stories. This collaboration brings together these two areas of expertise in F, which is hoped to become a record of essential ingredients and food culture of our time.
2 Intro

8 Letter from F

12 Exploring
Thoughts on kimchi from global chefs and kimchi experts

16 Overview
Kimchi’s meaning and role in Korean culture

20 Kimchi Chronicles
Symbolism of kimchi across history as told by six Korean food researchers

48 Extension
Kimchi-storing containers and techniques show the advancement of the kimchi industry

54 Academic Manual
Tidbits and trivia about kimchi, including historical facts, traditional dishes, and trends

72 Four Seasons
A list of kimchi for four seasons

74 Component Table
Diversity of kimchi through regional comparisons

76 F Lab
Delicious kimchi

78 F Cut
Infinite variations of kimchi with different ingredients and forms

88 Interview

88 Jeong Kwan
The venerable Jeong Kwan’s food contains the essence of nature and value of life

96 Jonguk Lee
Korean chef Jongguk Lee focuses on taste rather than shape or form

102 On the Table
Old Korean restaurants famous for scrumptious kimchi

118 Independent Brands
Global independent kimchi brands make creative kimchi varieties by combining local ingredients and Korean condiments

128 Interview

128 Matthew Calderisi
Founder of fermented food brand Ferment 9, Matthew Calderisi, talks about kimchi’s potential

132 Daily Menu
Everyday dishes prepared by people from diverse cultures

138 Into the Market
Novel kimchi products with great branding

142 References
Books and YouTube channels recommended by kimchi experts, chefs, and cooking enthusiasts

150 Dictionary

151 Index
우아한형제들,매거진 매거진 《B》는 전 세계의 균형 잡힌 브랜드를 소개하는 광고 없는 월간지입니다. 새로운 비즈니스를 구상하는 브랜드 관계자부터 브랜드에 대한 감각을 익히고 싶어 하는 이들까지, 브랜드에 관심을 가진 모두를 위해 만드는 진지하지만 읽기 쉬운 잡지입니다
매거진 《B》는 전 세계의 균형 잡힌 브랜드를 소개하는 광고 없는 월간지입니다. 새로운 비즈니스를 구상하는 브랜드 관계자부터 브랜드에 대한 감각을 익히고 싶어 하는 이들까지, 브랜드에 관심을 가진 모두를 위해 만드는 진지하지만 읽기 쉬운 잡지입니다