중급 이상의 독해 실력을 갖춘 학습자들의 배경지식 습득을 위한 영어 독해 교재. 미국 교과과정식 주제별 토픽 모음집으로 여러 분야의 필수적인 상식을 쉽게 습득하며 배경지식과 독해 능력을 동시에 향상시킬 수 있다. 생생한 이야기들을 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 이야기를 연대기 순으로 구성하였다. 60개의 지문을 수록하여 방대한 사실적 내용들을 접하고 주관식 문제들을 통해 비판적 독해와 사고를 할 수 있도록 돕는다. 또한 주요 어휘 index를 제공하여 해당 분야의 어휘를 문맥 속에서 학습할 수 있다. 2권에서는 Social Sciences를 주제로 다양한 지문을 담았다.
Vol.2 Social Sciences
I. Basic Economics
1. The silver standard
2. Decimal coinage
3. Why did the Great Depression happen?
4. Oil and the U.S. economy
5. Thorstein Veblen
6. John Kenneth Galbraith
7. Supply-side economics
8. The trouble with paper money
9. Wampum
II. Political Science
1. The separation of powers
2. Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence
3. The ‘two-party system’
4. Who really elects a president?
5. When are ‘rights’ wrong?
6. The lobbying industry
7. The rise and fall of populism
8. The art of making enemies
9. Who are ‘we the people’?
10. Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’: was it a good idea?
11. Disputed elections
III. Psychology
1. The elusive ‘American character’
2. Americans and ‘aliens’
3. The need for a frontier
4. ‘Star Trek’ and American thinking
5. Shaping public opinion
6. How to sell anything
7. The UFO phenomenon
8. What folk heroes tell us
9. National villains
10. The Lincoln cult
11. ‘Environmental awareness’
12. Americans and the ‘underdog’
13. The importance of Uncle Sam
IV. Sociology
1. Is the ‘melting pot’ an illusion?
2. The Irish in America
3. The Japanese-American experience
4. America’s urban underclass
5. Who pays for public schools?
6. Boss Tweed and the culture of corruption
7. The 1960s counterculture
8. A society on drugs
9. ‘Equality’ and reality
10. The effects of automation
11. Conformists and rebels
12. How real is the ‘American dream’?
13. Class lines
14. Schools for the rich and poor
15. The academic class
16. Intellectuals in America: powerful or powerless?
17. Superstar scientists
V. Communications
1. ‘Ebonics’
2. ‘Spanglish’
3. The Internet and language
4. American slang
5. ‘Post-literate’ America
6. Image and message in the video age
7. Acronyms and everyday speech
8. ‘Ameringlish’ versus ‘Britglish’
9. Communication by song
10. The decline of the letter