Chapter 2. Consumer Protection Legislation in Mongolia
Section 1. Development of Consumer Protection in relation to Economic Growth
1. Overview
2. Initial Period (1921s-1939s)
3. Formation Period (1940s-1960s)
4. Growth Period (1960s-1990s)
5. New Era of Consumer Protection Legislation
Section 2. The Legal Framework of Consumer Protection Legislation
1. Consumer Protection Law
2. Competition Law
3 Consumer Protection Principles in Civil Law
Section 3. Consumer Protection Policy Enforcement Mechanism
Section 4. Consumer Dispute Resolution
Chapter 3. Comparative Analysis with Consumer Protection Legislation in South Korea
Section 1. Legal Framework of Consumer Protection Legislation in South Korea
1. Consumer Protection Act
2. Consumer Transaction Legislation
3. The installment Transactions Act
4. The Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising
5. The Product Liaility Act
6. The Act on the Electronic Commerce Transactions, etc.
Section 2. Consumer Protection Policy and Enforcement Mechanism in South Korea
1. Fair Trade Commission
2. Korea Consumer Agency
Section 3. Consumer Protection Dispute Settlement in South Korea
1. Collective Dispute Settlement
2. Lawsuits by Consumer Organization
Section 4. Comparative Analysis on Consumer Protection Legislation in Mongolia and South Korea
1. Legislation on Product Liability in Mongolia and South Korea
2. Implications for Mongolia
Chapter 4. Conclusion
Supplement A: Key Legal Phrases Table
Supplement B: Consumer Protection Law of Mongolia (English version)