동영상으로 배우는 초음파 유도 주사법 (상지/하지편)

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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2023/04/14
Pages/Weight/Size 188*257*30mm
ISBN 9791185065359
Categories 대학교재 > 의약학/간호 계열
“본서의 목차에 있는 초음파가이드 통증치료시술의 모든 영상은 리얼 라이브 동영상입니다. 류마티스내과의사, 정형외과, 통증의학과, 재활의학과, 신경외과 등 근골격 질환을 주로 진료하시는 의사선생님들에게 반드시 도움이 되리라 확신합니다. 물론 현재 시행되는 모든 통증 중재 시술을 담지는 못했지만, 사지에서 행할 수 있는 필수적이고도 매우 중요한 주사 방법을 시연해 놓았으니 이 만큼은 반드시 숙지해야 할 내용이라고 봅니다. 전부 초음파를 사용하여 시행한 주사법들입니다.
본문에 있는 내용을 충분히 숙지하여 능숙하게 시술할 수 있게 된다면 다른 시술들도 금방 터득할 것이고 치료 성적도 매우 좋을 것으로 확신합니다.” - 저자의 말 중에서
1. Glenohumeral joint injection-right 6
2. Glenohumeral joint injection-left 9
3. Acromioclavicular joint injection 11
4. Sternoclavicular joint injection 17
5. Subacromial subdeltoid bursa injection 20
6. Suprascapular nerve block 24
7. Biceps tendon sheath injection 29
8. Subcoracoid bursa injection 33

1. Elbow joint injection-anterior approach 38
2. Elbow joint injection-posterior approach 43
3. Distal biceps tendon insertion injection-posterior approach 47
4. Tennis elbow & Golfer’s elbow injection 53
5. Posterior interosseous nerve block 59
6. Radial nerve block 67
7. Median nerve block 71
8. Ulnar nerve block 76
9. Olecranon bursa injection 80

Wrist & Hand
1. Carpal tunnel syndrome injection 86
2. Trigger finger injection 93
3. 1st carpometacarpal joint injection 99
4. Radiocarpal joint injection 104
5. Intersection syndrome injection 108
6. De Quervain’s disease injection 113
7. Scapho-Lunate joint injection 116
8. ECU tenosynovium and TFCC injection 121
9. Interphalangeal joint injection 125

Hip & Pelvis
1. Anterior hip surface anatomy 132
2. Scanning of femoral nerve & lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 135
3. Femoral nerve block 141
4. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block 144
5. Injection to direct head of the rectus femoris 147
6. Hip joint injection 151
7. Iliopsoas bursa injection 155
8. Adductor tendon injection 158
9. Obturator nerve block 161
10. Acetabular labrum injection 164
11. Gluteus medius / minimus tendon injection 168
12. Greater trochanteric bursa injection 172
13. Gluteal bursa injection 174
14. Anatomy of Sacroiliac (SI) joint, Piriformis & Obturator internus muscles 177
15. SI joint injection 179
16. Piriformis injection 181
17. Obturator internus injection 184
18. Hamstring origin injection 186

1. Intraarticular injection of the knee 190
2. Suprapatellar tenotomy 195
3. Infrapatellar tenotomy & bursa injection 198
4. Prepatellar bursa injection & Medial collateral ligament (MCL) injection 200
5. MCL bursa injection, Parameniscal cyst injection & Pes Anserine bursa injection 203
6. Saphenous nerve block 207
7. Distal iliotibial band injection & Bursa injection 209
8. Injection to distal part of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
& Proximal tibiofibular joint injection 213
9. Baker’s cyst aspiration & injection 216
10. Semimembranosus tendon injection 219
11. Injection to posterior horn of the medial meniscus 221
12. Injection (1) to tibial attachment of the posterior cruciate ligament 224
13. PCL injection (2) 226

1. Intraarticular injection (Tibiotalar injection) 228
2. Sinus tarsi injection 231
3. Anterior talofibular ligament injection 233
4. Anterior tibiofibular ligament injection 236
5. Peroneal tendon sheath injection 238
6. Tibialis anterior tendon injection 241
7. Midtarsal joint injection 244
8. Tarsal tunnel injection 247
9. Subtalar joint injection-posterior approach 251
10. Achilles tendon injection & tenotomy 254
11. Retrocalcaneal bursa injection 256
12. Sural nerve block 258

1. Plantar fascia injection (1) 262
2. Plantar fascia injection (2) 265
3. Saphenous nerve block at the ankle 267
4. Morton’s neuroma injection & Intermetatarsal bursa injection (1) 269
5. Morton’s neuroma injection & Intermetatarsal bursa injection (2) 272

1. 1st MTP joint injection 276
2. 1st MTP collateral ligament injection 278
3. Metatarsosesamoid joint injection 279

Case 1~10 282~297

Ending 301