소화기내시경집담회 증례집

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Publication Date 2023/03/30
Pages/Weight/Size 210*280*20mm
ISBN 9791155902509
Categories 대학교재 > 의약학/간호 계열
Part1 Esophagus
CASE1 Ectopic salivary gland 2
CASE2 Intramural hematoma 5
CASE3 Esophageal submucosal dissection 8
CASE4 Phlegmonous esophagitis 11
CASE5 Air embolism 14
CASE6 Leiomyoma 17
CASE7 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor 20
CASE8 Esophageal cancer 23
CASE9 Esophagogastric junction cancer 26
CASE10 Malignant melanoma 29

Part2 Stomach
CASE1 Ectopic pyloric opening 34
CASE2 Volvulus 37
CASE3 Hydrogen peroxide drug intoxication 40
CASE4 Eosinophilic gastritis 43
CASE5 Eosinophilic gastroenteritis 46
CASE6 Eosinophilic gastroenteritis by toxocariasis 49
CASE7 Chronic gastric anisakiasis 52
CASE8 Mucormyocosis 55
CASE9 Amyloidosis 58
CASE10 Post-ESD gastric wall abscess 61
CASE11 Gastric ulcer penetration to the liver 64
CASE12 Gastritis cystica profunda 67
CASE13 IgG4-related disease 70
CASE14 Desmoid tumor mimicking GIST recurrence 73
CASE15 Giant folds due to pancreas cancer invasion 76
CASE16 Gastropancreatic fistula 79
CASE17 Splenic arterial pseudoaneurysm 82
CASE18 Hyperplastic polyp with dysplasia 85
CASE19 BRIP-1 gene-related polyposis 88
CASE20 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 91
CASE21 Paneth cell carcinoma 94
CASE23 Gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic gland type 99
CASE24 Double primary cancers 102
CASE25 GIST-mimicking gastric adenocarcinoma 105
CASE26 Gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma 109
CASE27 Hepatoid adenocarcinoma 112
CASE28 Coexistence of MALT lymphoma and adenocarcinoma 116
CASE29 Mixed tumor (adenoma+neuroendocrine tumor) 119
CASE30 Pseudo-signet ring cell carcinoma in MALT lymphoma 122
CASE31 Subepithelial tumor-like MALT lymphoma (I) 125
CASE32 Subepithelial tumor-like MALT lymphoma (II) 128
CASE33 Subepithelial tumor-like MALT lymphoma (III) 131
CASE34 Subepithelial tumor-like MALT lymphoma (IV) 134
CASE35 MALT lymphoma (I) 137
CASE36 MALT lymphoma (II) 140
CASE37 Follicular lymphoma 143
CASE38 NK/T-cell lymphoma (I) 146
CASE39 NK/T-cell lymphoma (II) 149
CASE40 Neuroendocrine tumor (I) 152
CASE41 Neuroendocrine tumor (II) 155
CASE42 Neuroendocrine tumor (III) 159
CASE43 Neuroendocrine carcinoma (I) 161
CASE44 Neuroendocrine carcinoma (II) 164
CASE45 Neuroendocrine carcinoma (III) 167
CASE46 Malignant melanoma metastasis 170
CASE47 Breast carcinoma metastasis 173

Part3 Duodenum
CASE1 Brunner’s gland hamartoma 178
CASE2 Pyloric gland adenoma 181
CASE3 Traditional serrated adenoma 184
CASE4 Signet ring cell carcinoma of ampulla of Vater 187
CASE5 Follicular lymphoma (I) 189
CASE6 Follicular lymphoma (II) 191
CASE7 Lung cancer metastasis 193
CASE8 Amyloidosis (I) 196
CASE9 Amyloidosis (II) 199

Part4 Colon
CASE1 Meckel’s diverticulum 202
CASE2 Graft-versus-host disease 205
CASE3 Mucosal prolapse syndrome 207
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