스포츠 및 스포츠 교육과 관련된 텍스트들을 영어로 수록하였으며, 주요 어휘들을 따로 정리하였다.
CHAPTER 1 Physical education
What is philosophy
Philosophy and physical education
Physical education-its meaning and philosophy
CHAPTER 2 History of Taekwondo
From the traditional cultural heritage to a sport loved by the world
Taekwondo in ancient times
Taekwondo in the middle age
Taekwondo in modern times
Present-day Taekwondo
CHAPTER 3 Eight instructive stroies
The life of Isaac Newton
Korean falk stories
Antony and Cleopatra
Make the most of your life
Laughing with life
Improving your study habits
Nature's own doctor
William Tell