초보자를 위하여 네이티브의 정확한 발음과 우리말 해석을 함께 녹음하였으며, 실생활에 많이 쓰이는 대화 위주로 구성하여 일상생활에서 바로바로 쓸 수 있도록 하였다. 각 단원마다 new words와 연습문제로 복습할 수 있으며 그림으로 구성된 각 장의 영단어로 완성도를 높였다.
그림으로 영어 발음 익히기
Day 1 Good morning, Tom
Day 2 I am free
Day 3 He is handsome
Day 4 They are supermodels
Day 5 Were you sick yesterday?
Day 6 What is this?
Day 7 What are these?
Day 8 How old are you?
Day 9 She likes a watermelon
Day 10 Do you have a pet?
Day 11 Does she try to lose weight?
Day 12 I finished my homework
Day 13 What is your hobby?
Day 14 When is your birthday?
Day 15 I have a problem
Day 16 Do you have a bike?
Day 17 You have to go to the hospital
Day 18 What time is it now?
Day 19 Can you play the piano?
Day 20 May I use your phone?
Day 21 Will you go th the party?
Day 22 I am going to write a letter
Day 23 I am watching TV
Day 24 Boys, be ambitious!
Day 25 Do your best!
Day 26 How many people are there in a class?
Day 27 What a nice surprise!
Day 28 If I were you, I will go by plane
Day 29 Let’s play baseball