산업의 녹색기술개발과 표준화를 위한 법제연구 2

미국의 녹색기술혁신을 위한 정책과 법
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Publication Date 2012/01/30
Pages/Weight/Size 188*254*20mm
ISBN 9788966840458
Categories 경제 경영 > 정부간행물

원 문
Clean Technology: Challenges for the Legal System and Legal Education

Ⅰ. An Overview of the Clean Technology Space
A. The Need for Clean Technology
B. CT in the Context of the Energy System
C. Distinctive Characteristics of CT
1. Capital costs
2. Supply side coordination
3. Affirmative role of government
4. Phased development

Ⅱ. Innovation Policy
A. Technological Challenges in the Energy Space
B. Clean Technology and Innovation Policy
C. Regulatory Barriers to CT Innovation

Ⅲ. Finance
A. Financing Scale and Projections
B. Challenges to the Venture Capital Model of Technology Financing

Ⅳ. Regulatory Incentives and Barriers

Ⅴ. CT and Legal Education

Ⅵ. Conclusion
Daniel Farber