한국어 단어는 한자로부터 만들어진 단어(한자어)가 전체 단어의 60% 이상으로서 매우 많은데, 초보자가 이를 익히기 매우 어렵다. 한자어 단어를 외울 때에는 비슷한 의미를 가진 단어들을 함께 외우면 효과적이다. 예를 들면 ‘집’을 뜻하는 한자 ‘가(家)’로 만들어진 단어는 ‘가구’, ‘가족’, ‘가정’, ‘가축’, ‘가전제품’ 등이 있는데, 이것을 모아서 익히고 서로 차이를 비교해 보면 빨리 외울 수 있다. 이 책의 예문을 읽고 연습문제를 풀어보면서 쉽게 한자어를 익혀 볼 수 있다.
This book is required for those who finished learning Korean basic level
and started to learn an intermediate level. At once you learn only 19
consonants and 21 vowels in Korean you will already be able to read and it’s
easy to learn Korean language at first. But, in an intermediate level there are
a lot of words to memorize. Most of the Korean words based on Chinese
characters(* more than 60% of Korean words) and this makes learning Korean words
more difficult.
Since each combination of Chinese characters has its own meaning, it is
very effective to memorize several words with similar meanings when learning
Chinese characters. For example, Chinese character ‘가(家)’, which means
≪house≫, is included into the words such as ‘가구(furniture)’, ‘가족(family)’, ‘가정
(household)’, ‘가축(domestic animals)’, ‘가전제품(home appliances)’. By collecting
these words together and comparing them, you can memorize easily new words in
short time.