소리 훈련을 통한 영어 발음 전략 10

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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2016/04/11
ISBN 9788955187700
Categories 국어 외국어 사전 > 영어
네이티브 스피커가 직접 집필하고, 국내 대표 발음강사 김일승이 해설한
영어 회화 발음 클리닉 교재!

한국 사람들의 영어 발음과 실제 미국인의 발음은 차이가 많다는 것은 모두가 공감할 것이다. 소리 훈련을 통한 영어 발음 전략 10은 한국인의 입장에서 그 차이를 메워가며 꼼꼼하고 자세히 설명하는 영어회화 발음 책으로, 영어발음 기초공식 10개를 통해 발음 원리를 터득하고 10개 발음공식에 적용시킨 대화 10개를 통해 영어 소통의 힘을 키울 수 있게 해준다. 또한 네이티브와의 대화나 생활 속 자주 사용되는 표현들을 네이티브의 살아있는 어휘, 발음 그대로 배울 수 있다.
기본 단어와 표현 연습

UNIT 1 모음이 약해지는 소리

1 | 콘서트 What’d you decide about the concert?
2 | 티켓 구입 The price is going to be sky high.
3 | 물건 빌리기 Can you loan me your tent?
4 | 루머 I’ve heard that before.
5 | 시트콤 Is there anything good on TV tonight?
6 | 장학금 I just received notice that my scholarship came through.
7 | 저녁 준비 Is there anything I can do to help?
8 | 감기 You should go to the clinic for a shot.
9 | 픽업 I have to pick Randy up at the airport.
10 | 창고정리 What’s so important about cleaning out the garage?
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 2 T소리 (플랩 사운드)
1 | 퇴근 What do you say we call it a day?
2 | 손톱 깨물기 You should stop biting your fingernails
3 | 약속 시간 I’ve been waiting for over an hour and a half
4 | 페인트 칠 I was wondering if you could give me a hand Saturday.
5 | 점심 As a matter of fact, I was just about to go to lunch.
6 | 바비큐 파티 We’re having a little barbeque party.
7 | 이직 It’s better to be safe than sorry.
8 | 지하철 I rode that new subway line today and was it ever nice.
9 | 운동 I ran an extra two kilometers
10 | 잔소리 I was too busy to take the time to eat.
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 3 쌍자음의 발음 및 연음

1 | 일기예보 We’re in for some more cold, wet weather.
2 | 쇼핑 It was the Christmas shopping after work that wore me out.
3 | 부탁하기 What do you need?
4 | 길찾기 Could you tell me which way to go to get to the public library?
5 | 약속 늦었을 때 I forgot to call Larry before we left.
6 | 파티 문제 I’m glad to hear it.
7 | 스포츠 I’ve always been interested in sports, but seldom make or have time to take in a game.
8 | 해고 Did you hear the news about Tom?
9 | 가족 얘기 Is she doing okay?
10 | 치과의사 When was the last time you saw a dentist?
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 4 소리 생략

1 | 더위 I don’t know if I can take much more of this heat.
2 | 새 자동차 Have you seen Bill’s brand-new car?
3 | 돈빌리기 In fact, I was going to ask you to lend me some money.
4 | 치통 I guess I’ll have to go see my dentist sometime tomorrow.
5 | 이혼 Did you know that Mr. Jackson has been divorced twice?
6 | 업무 평가 I also heard the average score was 92.4.
7 | 세금 The federal government has reduced the standard family tax deduction this year.
8 | 일과 휴식 Let’s not just sit here.
9 | 훈장 He’s a bona fide veteran.
10 | 퇴근 I’m just spinning my wheels.
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 5 H 묵음

1 | 도박 How long has he been a poker player?
2 | 주말 휴가 When are you going to tell me where we’re going?
3 | 임대료 인상 His landlord raised the rent on him.
4 | 신부 선물 Actually I got her two gifts.
5 | 수강정보 Why don’t you ask him?
6 | 생일 Tell him I said happy birthday.
7 | 두통 And he also said they’re caffeine-free.
8 | 승진 I thought he was just blowing smoke
9 | 사람 찾기 Do you know when she’ll be back?
10 | 헤어짐 Dick said he’s really depressed about it.
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 6 동화

1 | 인간관계 What gives?you the idea that I dislike Steven?
2 | 손 다침 Did?you see the bandage on Dave’s hand?
3 | 선물 Did?you give her the money for it before she left?
4 | 시험 What’d?you think of the test?
5 | 은행 시간 Hey, where’d?you disappear to yesterday?
6 | 새벽 전화 Did?you try that yet?
7 | 운전면허증 When’s?your driver license expire?
8 | 오피스 파티 Did?you find a good excuse not to go to the office party yet?
9 | 일에 지칠 때 Don’t?you ever get tired of the daily rat race?
10 | 남친과의 싸움 Did?you have a rough night?
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 7 th 발음 생략

1 | 계약 Will?they agree to the new terms?
2 | 버스 There’s one across?this street.
3 | 물건 넣기 You can’t fit that in?there.
4 | 운전면허시험 How did you do on?the driver’s test?
5 | 브리핑 자료 I can finish?this typing before it’s time to quit for the day.
6 | 방문객 Let me know when?they get here, will you?
7 | 약혼자 Well, would you look at?that?
8 | 옷 칭찬 You’re just saying?that to tease me.
9 | 칭찬 How’s?that son of yours doing in college?
10 | 자동차 열쇠 I thought I left’em right on?this table.
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 8 축약

1 | 화 참기 You shouldn’t’ve snapped at Bob like that.
2 | 배달 불만 It shouldn’t’ve taken this long for it to get there.
3 | 친구와의 대화 It couldn’t’ve been me!
4 | 도착 전화 He mightn’t’ve gotten there yet.
5 | 제품라인 The company’ll be introducing a new miracle fabric.
6 | 음주운전 I shouldn’t’ve had that last drink.
7 | 돕기 You’re more than welcome.
8 | 친구 사이 대화 I shouldn’t’ve believed him when he said he’d help us.
9 | 동료 간 대화 It wouldn’t’ve been such a shock.
10 | 제안서검토 The offer couldn’t’ve come at a worse time.
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 9 an, and, or, of 의 빠른 소리

1 | 기다리기 I’m tired of waiting for him to show up.
2 | 아침 식사 I usually have an omelet with orange juice.
3 | 생일 선물 준비 He has a lot of photos from his vacation.
4 | 옷 골라 입기 I like the red and blue one best.
5 | 여행 전 대화 I’ve checked and rechecked everything at least three times already.
6 | 아파트 구하기 Do you know of any places that are available?
7 | 맥주 한 잔 What do you say we go have a couple of beers after work?
8 | 버스멀미 A couple of minutes of fresh air should make you feel better.
9 | 태워 주기 I need to go to the public library for a couple of books.
10 | 심부름 What kind and how many packs do you want?
Dictation Checkup

UNIT 10 재음절화

1 | 임신 When did you find out you’re pregnant?
2 | 낚시 How about trying a different lure?
3 | 여행계획 I’m about to retire in a year or two.
4 | 허리케인 I wish there were some way to help out.
5 | 점심약속 I haven’t had any good pasta in a long time.
6 | 첫인상 In this case your instincts are right.
7 | 인간관계 I’ve about had it with him, too.
8 | 돈 빌리기 That dog of yours will try to eat anything.
9 | 해고 He’s being laid off because of the recession.
10 | 보고서 I checked over the figures twice

Dictation Checkup
Francis Alan Scott