The Song of My Soul

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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2023/06/14
Pages/Weight/Size 148*210*20mm
ISBN 9791169292801
Categories 소설/시/희곡 > 시/희곡
PART1. A Prayer for You

A prayer during Lent
A prayer during September
A prayer for the lonely and difficult day
Transcribe· A prayer during September
A prayer of a pastor’s wife
A prayer on New Year’s morning
Light and love
A prayer of petition
Transcribe · Light and love
A prayer of a small seedling
Teach me
You’re always in my heart
Answered prayer
Transcribe · Answered prayer
Your Voice
At times
My prayer
In December when the Lord came
Transcribe · Your Voice

Part2. Lamp of the heart

Lamp of the heart
Starlight in my heart
Do not lose heart
Transcribe · Snowflake
Aroma of solitude
Advice given to me by the sea
Suffering is an angel sent by the Lord
Transcribe · Suffering is an angel sent by the Lord
A heart awaiting spring
The last cold spell
You are my true hope
Beauty in harmony
Transcribe · Beauty in harmony
Falling leaves
If it’s with my Lord
For me
Water color painting
Transcribe · Falling leaves

Part 3. Love more precious than tears

Love is happiness
The reason flowers are loved
Heart first
I Love You
Transcribe · Love is happiness
Love more precious than tears
Love deliverer
I will only love you
Transcribe · I will only love you
Your love is
To realize love
Since I met you
Transcribe · Your love is
Confession of a servant
I Know
Now I can believe
Transcribe · Confession of a servant
Song-Yeon Choi
젊은 나이에 미국으로 이주하여 작은 개척교회 담인 목사인 남편의 목회를 도와 교회를 크게 성장시켰다. 그러던 중 구소련이 무너지고 공산정권에 압제당하던 고려인들을 위해 러시아로 선교활동을 떠났다. 온갖 고난을 지나오며 3년의 선교사 활동을 마치고 돌아온 직후에 암의 위험성을 발견하게되었으나, 사탄의 격동함을 슬기롭게 극복하여 몸과 마음을 바로잡았다. 현재도 하나님께 인생을 맡기고 성실한 신앙 여정을 걷고 있다. 저서로 시집 『내 영혼의 노래』와 에세이 『여호와는 나의 목자』가 있다.

The author immigrated to the United States at a young age and played a key role in helping her husband's small church grow. During this time, she traveled to Russia to carry out missionary work for Koreans who were oppressed by the communist regime after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Despite facing many challenges during her three-year mission, she returned to Korea and was soon diagnosed with a risk of cancer. Nevertheless, she bravely overcame her fears and put her body and mind back in order with the help of her unwavering faith in God. To this day, she continues to entrust her life to God and remains on a faithful journey of spiritual growth.
젊은 나이에 미국으로 이주하여 작은 개척교회 담인 목사인 남편의 목회를 도와 교회를 크게 성장시켰다. 그러던 중 구소련이 무너지고 공산정권에 압제당하던 고려인들을 위해 러시아로 선교활동을 떠났다. 온갖 고난을 지나오며 3년의 선교사 활동을 마치고 돌아온 직후에 암의 위험성을 발견하게되었으나, 사탄의 격동함을 슬기롭게 극복하여 몸과 마음을 바로잡았다. 현재도 하나님께 인생을 맡기고 성실한 신앙 여정을 걷고 있다. 저서로 시집 『내 영혼의 노래』와 에세이 『여호와는 나의 목자』가 있다.

The author immigrated to the United States at a young age and played a key role in helping her husband's small church grow. During this time, she traveled to Russia to carry out missionary work for Koreans who were oppressed by the communist regime after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Despite facing many challenges during her three-year mission, she returned to Korea and was soon diagnosed with a risk of cancer. Nevertheless, she bravely overcame her fears and put her body and mind back in order with the help of her unwavering faith in God. To this day, she continues to entrust her life to God and remains on a faithful journey of spiritual growth.