서울대 영문과 졸업. 캘리포니아대 데이비스(UCD) 영문학 박사. 동국대 영문과 교수. 저서로 시집 『지상에 남겨진 신발』(도담, 2007) 『운평선』(책만드는집, 2014) 『조장鳥葬』(책만드는집, 2016), 인문서 『서양문학에 나타난 죽음』(서울대학교출판문화원, 2013) 등이 있다.
Hoon-sung Hwang is a professor in English at Dongguk University in Seoul Korea, where he teaches courses on Modern and Postmodern Drama, Theater and Performance. He got Ph. D at English Dept. of UC Davis under Prof. Ruby Cohn with the dissertation, “One Mirror is Not Enough in Beckett’s Drama.” He has published essays in Modern Drama (1993), Degres (2005) and a book Death in Western Literature (2014), which awarded him Wooho Prize for human science.
서울대 영문과 졸업. 캘리포니아대 데이비스(UCD) 영문학 박사. 동국대 영문과 교수. 저서로 시집 『지상에 남겨진 신발』(도담, 2007) 『운평선』(책만드는집, 2014) 『조장鳥葬』(책만드는집, 2016), 인문서 『서양문학에 나타난 죽음』(서울대학교출판문화원, 2013) 등이 있다.
Hoon-sung Hwang is a professor in English at Dongguk University in Seoul Korea, where he teaches courses on Modern and Postmodern Drama, Theater and Performance. He got Ph. D at English Dept. of UC Davis under Prof. Ruby Cohn with the dissertation, “One Mirror is Not Enough in Beckett’s Drama.” He has published essays in Modern Drama (1993), Degres (2005) and a book Death in Western Literature (2014), which awarded him Wooho Prize for human science.