송대관의 네박자 속에 세상사 모두가 있다고 했는데 틀린 말이 아니었다. 저자는 서양의 성경과 동양의 도덕경에서 자연과 사회가 공유하고 있는 성장 패턴을 0에서 1, 1에서 2, 2에서 3, 그리고 3에서 무한이라는 네박자로 풀어냈다.
코로나 시대, 신기술 형명 시대, 그리고 새로운 국제 질서 속에서 사람들은 그 어느 때보다 혼란스러워 하고 있다. 동양과 서양, 좌와 우, 가상과 현실, 선과 악, 시간과 공간 등 갈림길 앞에서 길을 잃고 있다.
코로나 시대에서 공간적으로 인지적으로 갇혀 있는 우리 개개인은 육체적으로나 심리적으로 한계를 느끼고 있다. 메타버스와 디지털 트랜스포메이션으로 인한 가상과 현실의 연결 속에서 자신의 정체성이 혼란을 겪고 있기도 한다. 그리고 동양과 서양, 좌와 우, 선과 악 사이의 윤리적 판단도 점점 더 어려워 지고 있다.
본 책은 이와 같은 문제에 대한 해답을 한 인간의 삶의 행복과 의미의 중요성을 강조한다. 오직 한 사람이 변화하고 자신의 존재와 가치를 충분하게 살아갈 때에만 개인과 조직의 지속가능한 성장과 발전이 가능하다고 강조한다.
이를 위해 저자는 인생의 의미, 우선순위, 멈출 수 없는 엔진, 지와 행, 관계와 일, 가상과 현실, 선과 악, 제도와 행위, 습관과 변화, 시간과 공간, 미시와 거시 등 12가지 주제로 나눠 패턴에 맞게 구성하였다.
저자가 제시한 이 단순하고 아름답고 우아한 이 생명의 유기적 패턴은 여러분에게 어떻게 하루를 마지막 날 처럼 살 수 있을 지에 대한 구체적인 안내도 해주고 있다.
아쉽게도 영문으로 되어 있지만 여러분들이 행복하고 의미있는 아름다운 인생을 사는데 도움이 되길 바란다.
The Art Of Life: A Small Book That Can Change Your Life! Please Don't Miss The Chance!
A Simple, Elegant, and Beautiful Pattern Help You Live A Happy And Meaningful Life!
Out of Tao, One is born; Out of One, Two; Out of Two, Three; Out of Three, the Created Universe.
- Tao Te Ching, Chapter 42
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. - Bible, Genesis 1:1~3
The art of life is of essential importance to every person no matter rich or poor, man or woman, old or young, west or east, because everyone wants to have a happy and meaningful life but in vain to achieve both at the same time.
With an ongoing unprecedented technology revolution, human beings are experiencing the complexities and uncertainties of this changing turbulent world. To help people better deal with all these emerging new challenges, wisdom is needed to embrace all the major aspects of human life.
Inspired by the Bible and Tao Te Ching, two of the most original and influential books ever, the Art of Life, then, has been developed and resolved into five status of existences. These are (0) Being (with The Being) ; (1) Seeing; (2) Doing; (3) Routinizing; and (∞) Transforming.
These five components should be understood and practiced by any person who wants to pursue the Art of Life: he who knows and practices them will live a happy and meaningful life; he who knows them not will be easily getting lost or trapped here and there.
In this sense, you can keep all the following questions in mind so that you can check if you are doing the right thing for the right people in the right way at the right time of your life.
Do you know the way of BEING with The BEING by returning to zero at any moment?
Did you SEE your calling to a certain cause, as well as specific purposes of your current life stage?
Did you take some real ACTIONS to do meaningful things and build meaningful relationships?
Did you identify and create the KEYSTONE HABIT of your life?
Are you ready to constantly return to zero by BEING with The Being so that you could continuously TRANSFORM your life?
Hence, when you stop to be with The Being, you begin to see; when you see, you may have the courage to take actions; when you act, you can create a new habit; when you have a good habit, you will achieve your goals or have good virtues; with goals achieved and good virtues, you constantly transform and grow; when you continuously transform and grow with the golden spiral, your life is bound to be both happy and meaningful no matter what circumstances you are in.
And this is the Art of Life, which is simple, elegant, and beautiful.
You Will Learn Five Stages From Being To Transforming, And Much More Topics!
How to Live a Happy and Meaningful Life?
How to Find the Meaning of Your Life?
How to Design Your Priorities?
What is Your Never-ending Engine?
How to Manage Your Things and Relationships?
What is Your Choice? Red or Blue Pill?
How to Overcome Your Ethical Dilemmas?
What Determines Your Thoughts and Behaviors?
How to Create Your Keystone Habit?
How to Live Every Moment of Your Life?
How Transformation Occurs?
How to Create a Golden Spiral in Your Life?
Your Happy and Meaningful Life Matters!
Much, much more!
Life is a journey with great adventures.I really hope you enjoy the life adventure with this SMALL book, I would really appreciate it if you give me some feedback and review on it!
CHAPTER 0 How to Live a Happy and Meaningful Life?
CHAPTER 1 How to Find the Meaning of Your Life?
CHAPTER 2 How to Design Your Priorities?
CHAPTER 3 What is Your Never-ending Engine?
CHAPTER 4 How to Manage Your Things and Relationships?
CHAPTER 5 What is Your Choice? Red or Blue Pill?
CHAPTER 6 How to Overcome Your Ethical Dilemmas?
CHAPTER 7 What Determines Your Thoughts and Behaviors?
CHAPTER 8 How to Create Your Keystone Habit?
CHAPTER 9 How to Live Every Moment of Your Life?
CHAPTER 10 How Transformation Occurs?
CHAPTER 11 How to Create a Golden Spiral in Your Life?
CHAPTER 12 Your Happy and Meaningful Life Matters!