한국의 고등교육은 지난 30년간 많은 변화를 겪었다. 저자는 교육자로서 뿐만 아니라 정부의 행정가로서 고등교육정책 연구과 실행을 해왔다. 이 책은 저자가 한국의 고등교육에 관심이 많은 외국인 독자를 위한 논문을 모은 책이다. 발행순으로 배열했으며 모두 7장으로 구성되어 있다.
Chapter 1
Higher Education and Research Environments in Korea
-The Educational System and the State of Higher Education
-Case Study: Institutions and Fields
-The Scientific Research System
Chapter 2
Faculty Research Attitudes and Practices: The Case of an Electrical Engineering Department in Korea
-Organization of the Department
-Research Achievemen and Orientations
-External Research Service
-Academic Organizatioal Processes Concerned with Research
Chapter 3
The Emergence of the Modern University in Korea
-Western Impact on the Pres-Independence Developments
-Western Impact on the Post-Independence Developments
-Contemporary Developments in Higher Education
Chapter 4
The Academic Profession in Korea
-Profile of the Korean Professoriate
-Working Conditions
Chapter 5
The Changing Academic Workplace in Korea
-The Changing Environments of the Academic System
-The Demographic Portrait
-Academic Appointments
-Issues and Challenges
Chapter 6
Korean Higher Education: History and Future Challenges
-Historical Perspectives
-Issues and Realities
-Trends and Challenges
Chapter 7
Essays on Korean Higher Education
-Higher Education and the Political Process: Reflections of Assistant Minister of Education
-Korean Private Higher Education Faces Economic Crisis
-Ethical Practices in the Korean Academic Profession