Introduction to Business Management

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Publication Date 2021/12/30
Pages/Weight/Size 189*257*15mm
ISBN 9791159018817
Categories 대학교재 > 경상계열
This book covers essential elements of business and management providing foundations for understanding key contents both theoretical and practical. Most of the other books are thick and full of theories and cases that simply cannot be covered in a semester. To maintain focus and to enhance convenience for students, this book coherently insisted core body of knowledge about introductory level business and management issues. Tons of cases and complementary resources are easily found by searching websites and communities these days and this provided an opportunity to make this textbook as essential as possible.
Preface 4

Chapter 1. What is business? 10

Part I. Business & Managers
Chapter 2. Starting a Business 30
Chapter 3. Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship 48
Chapter 4. Managerial Functions 64

Part II. Effective Management
Chapter 5. Leadership 80
Chapter 6. Motivation 94
Chapter 7. Ethics and CSR 112
Chapter 8. Globalization of Business 125

Part III. Efficient Management
Chapter 9. Business Organization 140
Chapter 10. Operations Management 156
Chapter 11. Marketing 173
Chapter 12. Human Resource Management 188
Chapter 13. Finance and Accounting 203