명시 100선 영시해설

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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2024/03/14
Pages/Weight/Size 152*225*15mm
ISBN 9791196961138
Categories 국어 외국어 사전 > 영어
『명시 100선 영시해설』은 16세기 영국의 월리엄 셰익스피어부터 시작하여 20세기 딜런 토마스에 이르기까지 영국과 미국의 명시를 다루고 있으며 명시 100선의 선정 방법은 Discover Poetry에서 선정한 100대 영어 명시와 영국 BBC 라디오에서 1995년에 설문 조사하여 1996년 발표한 100대 영어 명시를 참고로 하고 또한 대학의 영문과 교제 등을 참고하여 명시 100개를 선정했다. 그리고 본 영시해설은 독자들이 영시를 읽어가면서 원문뿐 아니라 중요한 어구의 뜻이나 발음을 제시했고 필요한 어구해설을 곁들여 놓았으며 번역을 함께 기술해 놓았기 때문에 굳이 영어사전을 참고하지 않아도 쉽게 영시를 감상할 수 있을 것이다.

영시 번역은 주로 유명한 영시 번역가나 영문학 교수의 번역을 그대로 인용해 놓았다. 그리고 몇 편은 편저자인 동일성이 직접 번역한 것이 있는데 독자들이 영어공부를 하는데 도움이 되고자 의역보다는 직역에 가깝게 번역을 하였기 때문에 다소 한글 번역이 매끄럽지 못한 부분이 있다. 글씨체는 한글과 컴퓨터에서 제공하고 있는 함초롬 바탕체를 쓰고 있다.
1. All the world's a stage (Act 2, Scene 7 from As You Like It) / William Shakespeare ---------------------------------------------------- (7쪽)
2. Shall I Compare Thee / William Shakespeare --------------------- (12쪽)
3. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love / Christopher Marlowe ------- (15쪽)
4. Death, be not proud / John Donne ------------------------------ (19쪽)
5. No Man is an Island (For Whom the Bell Tolls) / John Donne------ (22쪽)
6. The Flea / John Donne------------------------------------------ (24쪽)
7. The Good-Morrow / John Donne --------------------------------- (29쪽)
8. When I consider how my light is spent / John Milton--------------- (33쪽)
9. To His Coy Mistress / Andrew Marvell --------------------------- (35쪽)
10. Ah Sun-flower! / William Blake --------------------------------- (42쪽)
11. A Poison Tree / William Blake ---------------------------------- (44쪽)
12. London / William Brake ---------------------------------------- (46쪽)
13. The Chimney Sweeper / William Brake -------------------------- (49쪽)
14. The Garden of Love / William Blake ---------------------------- (52쪽)
15. The Lamb / William Brake ------------------------------------- (54쪽)
16. The Sick Rose / William Blake ---------------------------------- (56쪽)
17. The Tyger / William Blake ------------------------------------- (58쪽)
18. A red, red rose / Robert Burns -------------------------------- (61쪽)
19. Composed upon Westminster Bridge / William Wordsworth -------- (64쪽)
20. The Daffodils?/ William wordsworth ----------------------------- (67쪽)
21. The Solitary Reaper / William Wordsworth ----------------------- (71쪽)
22. Loves Last Adieu / George Gordon byron ----------------------- (76쪽)
23. MAID OF ATHENS, ERE WE PART / George Gordon byron -------- (78쪽)
24. She Walks in Beauty / George Gordon byron -------------------- (82쪽)
25. Stanzas for Music / George Gordon byron ----------------------- (85쪽)
26. Ode to the West Wind / Percy Bysshe Shelley ------------------- (87쪽)
27. Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelly ------------------------------ (96쪽)
28. Casabianca / Felicia Hemans --------------------------------- (100쪽)
29. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever / John Keats ---------------- (105쪽)
30. Bright star / John Keats ------------------------------------- (108쪽)
31. Ode on a Grecian Urn / John Keats ---------------------------- (111쪽)
32. Ode to a Nightingale / John Keats ----------------------------- (118쪽)
33. To Autumn?/ John Keats?-------------------------------------- (129쪽)
34. Today / Thomas Carlyle -------------------------------------- (134쪽)
35. Concord Hymn / Ralph Waldo Emerson ------------------------ (136쪽)
36. How Do I Love Thee? / Elizabeth Barrett Browning -------------- (139쪽)
37. A psalm of life / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ------------------ (141쪽)
38. The Arrow and the Song / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow --------- (146쪽)
39. The village blacksmith / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ----------- (148쪽)
40. Crossing the Bar / Alfred, Lord Tennyson ---------------------- (154쪽)
41. Ring out, wild bells / Alfred Tennyson ------------------------- (157쪽)
42. Alone / Edgar Allan Poe -------------------------------------- (161쪽)
43. Annabel Lee / Edgar Allan Poe -------------------------------- (164쪽)
44. The raven / Edgar Allan Poe ---------------------------------- (169쪽)
45. Life / Charlotte Bronte --------------------------------------- (184쪽)
46. O Captain! My Captain! / Walt Whitman ------------------------ (187쪽)
47. Dover Beach / Matthew Arnold -------------------------------- (192쪽)
48. A Bird, came down the Walk / Emily Dickinson ----------------- (197쪽)
49. Because I Could Not Stop For Death / Emily Dickinson ---------- (200쪽)
50. Hope Is the Thing with Feathers / Emily Dickinson -------------- (203쪽)
51. I'm Nobody! Who are you? / Emily Dickinson ------------------- (205쪽)
52. I taste a liquor never brewed / Emily Dickinson ---------------- (206쪽)
53. My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun / Emily Dickinson ----------- (209쪽)
54. Success is counted sweetest / Emily Dickenson ----------------- (212쪽)
55. The Loneliness One dare not sound / Emily Dickinson ---------- (213쪽)
56. Remember / Christina Rossetti -------------------------------- (216쪽)
57. When I am dead, My Dearest / Christina Rossetti --------------- (218쪽)
58. The Darkling Thrush / Thomas Hardy -------------------------- (220쪽)
59. God’s Grandeur / Gerard Manley Hopkins ----------------------- (225쪽)
60. The Windhover To Christ our Lord / Gerard Manley Hopkins ---- (229쪽)
61. Invictus: The Unconquerable / William Ernest Henley ------------ (232쪽)
62. Loveliest of Trees / A. E. Housman ---------------------------- (234쪽)
63. Death / W. B. Yeats ------------------------------------------ (237쪽)
64. LEDA AND THE SWAN / William Butler Yeats ------------------- (239쪽)
65. The Lake Isle of Innisfree / William Butler Yeats ---------------- (243쪽)
66. The Rose of the World / William Butler Yeats ------------------- (245쪽)
67. When You Are Old / William Butler Yeats ---------------------- (248쪽)
68. IF / Rudyard Kipling ------------------------------------------ (250쪽)
69. In Flanders Fields / John McCrae ------------------------------ (254쪽)
70. Acceptance / Robert Frost ------------------------------------ (256쪽)
71. Acquainted with the Night / Robert Frost ----------------------- (259쪽)
72. A late walk / Robert Frost ------------------------------------ (262쪽)
73. Birches / Robert Frost ---------------------------------------- (264쪽)
74. Come in / Robert Lee Frost ----------------------------------- (270쪽)
75. Fire and Ice / Robert Frost ----------------------------------- (274쪽)
76. Nothing gold can stay / Robert Frost -------------------------- (276쪽)
77. Once by the Pacific / Robert Frost ---------------------------- (277쪽)
78. On Going Unnoticed / Robert Frost ---------------------------- (279쪽)
79. Spring Pools / Robert Frost ----------------------------------- (282쪽)
80. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening / Robert Frost --------- (283쪽)
81. The Flower Boat / Robert Frost ------------------------------- (286쪽)
82. The Freedom of the Moon / Robert Frost ---------------------- (288쪽)
83. The Road Not Taken / Robert Frost --------------------------- (290쪽)
84. Tree at My Window / Robert Frost ---------------------------- (293쪽)
85. Sea Fever / John Masefield ------------------------------------ (295쪽)
86. In The Dark Pinewood / James Joyce --------------------------- (298쪽)
87. She Weeps over Rahoon / James Joyce ------------------------- (301쪽)
88. Bavarian Gentians / David Herbert Lawrence ------------------- (302쪽)
89. Wild Things in Captivity / D. H. Lawrence ---------------------- (306쪽)
90. Dance Figure―For the Marriage in Cana of Galilee―/Ezra Locomis Pound --------------------------------------------- (309쪽)
91. Trees / Joyce Kilmer ----------------------------------------- (313쪽)
92. The Soldier / Rupert Brooke ---------------------------------- (316쪽)
93. Journey of the Magi / T. S. Eliot ------------------------------ (318쪽)
94. Marina Quis hic locus, quae regio, puae mundi plaga? / T.S. Eliot ------------------------------------------------------------- (324쪽)
95. The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock / T. S. Eliot (서문, 1-36행) ----(329쪽)
96. Waste Land / T. S. Eliot -------------------------------------- (344쪽)
97. Seascape / Stephen Spender ----------------------------------- (353쪽)
98. Ultima Ratio Regum /Stephen Spender ------------------------- (357쪽)
99. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night / Dylan Thomas -------- (361쪽)
100. The force that through the green fuse drives the flower / Dylan Marlais Thomas -------------------------------------------- (364쪽)