이 책은 2006년 박태균 교수가 쓴 『우방과 제국, 한미관계의 두 신화』를 영어로 번역한 책이다. 본격적인 한미관계사인 이 책은, 미국의 대외관계 문서를 기초로 8·15광복에서 5·18민주화운동까지의 한미관계사를 재구성했다. 이 책에는 김종필 제거계획, 5·16 군사정변의 성공 요인, 1960년대 중반의 안보위기 등의 역사적 사실이 구체적으로 밝혀져 있으며, 케넌(G. Kennan), 니츠(P. Nitze), 로스토우(W. Rostow) 등 미국의 대표적인 외교전문가들이 입안한 정책의 맥락에서 한미관계를 역동적으로 파악했다. 저자는 현대 한미관계에서 한국정부의 대응이 성공적인 경우는 드물었으며, 한국정부뿐만이 아니라 민주화세력 등 한국국민들의 역할이 한미관계에서 중요한 위치를 차지해왔음을 강조했다. 그리고 그동안의 실패 경험을 돌아보고 반성하지 않는 한 정상적인 한미관계는 이뤄질 수 없다고 말로 한미관계를 마무리했다
1. Worries of the American Ambassador
2. “Special” Relationship between South Korea and the United States
3. Why Is the US-South Korea Relationship Special?
4. Are South Korea and the United States Allies?
5. How This Book Has Been Written
Chapter One: The Beginning of US-Korea Relations
1. The United States in Korean Eyes, Korea in American Eyes
2. The United States’ Reason for Trusteeship
3. Reorganizing Korean Political Forces 1: Let’s Strengthen the Conservatives
4. America’s Dilemma: Policy Change due to Anti-Trusteeship Demonstrations
5. Reorganizing Korean Political Forces 2: Let’s Weaken the Leftists
Chapter Two: Not Giving Up the Korean Peninsula
1. Why Did the United States Forces Withdraw?
2. Massive Aid
3. Economic and Psychological Containment?he Starting Point for Korea Policy
4. The Reason Why ECA Aid Failed
Chapter Three: The Korean War and the 1950s
1. Jumping into the War
2. The Plan to Remove Syngman Rhee and the Plan EVERREADY
3. Changes in US Korea Policy through the New Look
Chapter Four: The Military Government and the United States
1. Background to Changes in US Korea Policy: Walt Whitman Rostow
2. The May 16 Coup d’Etat and the United States
3. Taming of the Coup d’Etat Forces and Park Chung Hee’s Tug Tof War
Chapter Five: Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea and the Plan to Remove Kim Jongpil
1. Possibilities of Another Coup
2. How Should the Situation Be Resolved?
3. The Removal of Kim Jongpil
Chapter Six: Tug gof War between the United States and South Korea over the Dispatch of South Korean Troops to Vietnam
1. Crisis of the Park Chung Hee Government and the Offer to Dispatch Troops to Vietnam
2. Deployment of Combat Troopers and the South Korean Government’s Responses
3. The South Korean Government’s Overreaction and Changes in US-South Korea Relations
Chapter Seven: The United States-South Korea Relations of the 1970s and the “Learning Effect”
1. Learning Effect from the Negotiations for Troop Deployment
2. Gwangju: Whose Fault Was It?
1. Without a Day of Peace: US-South Korea Relations
2. The United States as Myth
3. Was There a Learning Effect?