A New National Strategy for Korea

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Publication Date 2008/09/01
Pages/Weight/Size 188*254*30mm
ISBN 9788988095317
Categories 사회 정치 > 정치/외교
이명박 정부가 당면한 정책과제들을 새로운 시각으로 지각하고 분석하여 한국의 안보와 번영을 위한 국가전략을 모색한다. 박정희 시대의 개발국가 모델이나 이후 정권의 모델과는 다른 새로운 국가전략을 모색할 필요성을 제기하고 안보, 민주주의, 경제성장의 상호의존성이 심화되는 환경에서 다차원적 국가전략을 탐구하고 있다.

Diplomacy in the 21st century

1. Global Diplomacy
A strategy for Koreas rising global stature
Pragmatic realism: A key to managing relations with China
Joint security vision will benefit Seoul, Tokyo
Developing Seouls partnership with Moscow
Korea-EU relations in the new political era
Driving Korea-India ties on trade and investment
Culture: The basis for ties with Middle East
Evolution of Korean-Latin American relations
Koreas new global role
A new national strategy for Korea: A middle-power vision
Principles for Koreas soft power diplomacy
Striving for a foreign policy with dignity

2. South-North, Seoul-Washington Relations
Welcome change in Seouls foreign policy
Lees dilemma: Containment or engagement
Carrots, sticks and North Korean human rights
N.K. threats require deterrence, reconciliation
No time for business as usual in South Korea-U.S. relations
Toward ROK-U.S. strategic alliance
U.S. support needed to handle crisis in N.K.
Building a peace regime and adjusting the UNC
Seoul seeks flexibility on OPCON transfer
Extending ROK-U.S. alliance beyond peninsula
A pragmatic approach to ROK-U.S. ties

3. A New Development Paradigm
Korea needs a new development paradigm
Strategies for attracting foreign investment
Creating a knowledge-based economy in Korea
An external economic strategy for the future
Koreas options for coping with U.S. slump
Essential elements of Koreas energy diplomacy
Korea needs environmental leadership
Competition enhances firms competitiveness
Reviving the economy by freeing corporations
Helping corporations for the greater good
Policies for balanced regional development
Government reform: Evolution, not revolution
The Korea Herald