this book contains the essential knowledge information needed for korean nurses nursing students who hope to continue further their careers in the united states.
1. Objectives = 7
2. American Nurses' Association(ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses = 7
3. The Roles of Nurses in the U.S. = 8
4. Current Nursing Care Delivery System = 9
5. Characteristics of Nursing Processes and Activities = 13
6. Nursing Reports and Communication Tools = 15
7. Enhancing Documentation Skill = 22
8. Legal Issues = 35
9. Religions and Clinical Implications = 39
10. Cultural Issues in Nursing = 43
11. Interpersonal Relationship in Nursing = 52
12. Therapeutic Communication with Patients = 58
13. Interviewing Patients for Nusing Assessment = 70
14. Nursing Delegation Levels, Assignments and Documentation = 78