A Comparative Study on Consumer Protection Legislation in China and South Korea

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* 안내되는 배송 완료 예상일은 유통사/배송사의 상황에 따라 예고 없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
Publication Date 2013/08/31
Pages/Weight/Size 173*248*20mm
ISBN 9788966842742
Categories 경제 경영 > 정부간행물

Ⅰ. Introduction
a. Research Purpose and Scope
b. Researchers and Methodology

Ⅱ. Overview of Chinese Consumer Protection Law
a. Historical Development of Consumer Protection Legislation in China
b. Legal System of Present Chinese Consumer Protection Law
i . National laws
ii . Local Regulations
c. Summary

Ⅲ. An Empirical Analysis on Product Liability Dispute in Shanghai
a. A statistics of Product Liability Dispute Case in Shanghai Courts
i . Macroscopic Analysis
ii . Microanalysis
b. Consumer Complaints Statistical Data about Product Liability Disputes
i . Complaints by Type
ii . Resolution of Complaint
c. Legal Regulation on Foreign-related Product Liability - Comparison with Korean Law
i . The Application of Law in Foreign-related Product Liability from Consumer Protection Viewpoint
ii . Product Liability Determination Standards in China and Korean Foreign-related Product Liability
iii . Product Liability Imputation Principle in China and Korea Foreign-related Product Liability
iv . Product Liability Compensation Standard in China and Korea Foreign-related Product Liability
v . A Comparative Analysis

Ⅳ. Conclusion

Supplement A: Historical Development of Consumer Protection Legislation in China
Supplement B: Key Acts and Phrases Table
Supplement C: Chinese Laws Directly Related to Product Liability and Consumer Protection (English version)
Jiyeon Choi,Yanping Lin